New home?

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Recap:Nat:I got my memory back.

Jaden:that's great baby girl.

He hugs you.

Jaden:I know I told you this a million times already,but I love you.... And nothing is going to change that ....

Nat:I love you too....

(Skip a few days)
I felt great. I could go home today to meet my mom and dad. I went back to normal I was still a bit skinny but not that much. Me and Jaden got in the bus and left.

When we got there I felt like everything was different. Jaden had a key for some reason and he opened the door.i saw my mom and dad in the living room. The boys where in back of me the whole time.

Mom: Natalie!!!!

They both came running to me and hugged me tightly.

Nat:I missed y'all....

Parker:we did too kid....

We said our hi's and played around then the boys left just leaving Anthony, Avani, Payton,and Griffin followed by me and Jaden.

Nat:so Avani what are you having a boy or a girl?!?

Avani:can you guess?

Nat:ummmm a Girl?


You smile and giggle. Am proud of you both...

Avani hugs you. She asks Anthony if they could talk outside with each other alone. I didn't mind just left me and the boys to talk.

Nat:what about you too?

Payton and Griffin look at you confused. I was sitting on Jaden's lap and he was hugging me from the behind.

Pay:umm I started a new job as a business man,and I got a girlfriend..

Nat:am proud of you big brother...

You hug him and a tear rolled down your face.

Griffin:don't cry...

Nat:I can't believe I wasn't here for 4 years and a missed out on Soo much....

Jaden:but your Here now and we will all spend the time we lost with you...

He hugs you tightly from the behind and kisses your neck.

Payton:I will bring my girlfriend by maybe later so you can meet her. I bet she would like you!

I smile and soon Anthony and a Avani come back in.

Anthony:soooo Natalie we have something to ask you and Jaden....


Nat:yeah what's up?

Jaden:you can tell us anything!

Anthony:well since you're like a sister to me and Jaden's like our brother. Umm we thought maybe you would like to be our little girl's God parents....

Avani:that would help out a lot!

Nat:of course I would love to be a god mother what about you Jaden?

Jaden:that would be awesome!

Avani:Soo we got a deal?


Jaden:have you thought of a name yet?

Anthony:umm no not really.

Jaden:name her Jaden!

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