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*skip 4 months*

This has been a long 4 months. Jaden comes home drunk almost everybody day. I get mad than start to cry. What is it that I did wrong?

I think to myself that it isn't my fault. I hear payton walk into the kitchen and I quickly wipe my tears.

Pay: Hey Natalie....
He says as he notices I've been crying.

Nat:oh hey payton!
I say giving him some cookies

Nat:help yourself!

He gives me a soft smile and I give him one back and I walk around the corner to go to the living room.

I sit on the couch and think about the old days when payton and I used to run around like Retarted bitches by the lake.

I felt so emotional and alone. I heard the door bust open and it was Jaden. He had his lunch box in one hand and a beer in the other.

Payton looks out the door frame to see who it was.

payton starts to walk over as he notices he is drunk again.

Pay:She didn't I did now leave her alone.
He says looking at him rudely.

Jaden throws his jacket at me and drops his wallet.

Jae: meet me upstairs in 5.
He says walking up the stairs.

I knew what was ganna happen. We're ganna argue like always.

Pay: don't do it.
He says looking from his phone dead I'm my eyes.

Nat:I wanna leave...

Payton grabs his Keyes

Pay:come on!

Nat:I'm not even dressed...

Pay:let's go get you some clothes for a few nights so you can come live with may and I!
He smiles and kisses my head.

Nat:yes that would be nice.

I hear a big drop and payton and I looked at each other.

Pay& Nat: JADEN!!!!
we ran upstairs to see the bookshelf on the floor and him with a broken bottle.

Nat:Jaden are you okay?
I say looking at him keeping my distance.

Jaden looks at us but doesn't say anything.


Jae:*mumbles* leave....



I jumped as I wasn't expecting him to raise his voice at me.

Payton was fast And took the rest of the beer bottle.

Pay: alright buddy time for bed...
He takes Jaden to the room and tucks him in.

I get my clothes and everything I needed And leave with payton.

*The next day Jaden's pov*
My head hurts...

I got up and took a bath and did what I had to do. I was mad that Natalie left.

I walked out and noticed a man standing by my tree looking at me.
He looked familiar but I ignored it.

I drove to my dad's house and knocked on his door.

*Jaden's dad will be called Zachary*

Zach: you're late!

Jaden: s-sorry you know I have a girlfriend!

He hits me across the face.

Zach:take this!
He says giving me weed.

Jaden:I can't... I have a pregnant woman at home!
I tried to pull away but he just pulled out a knife.

Zach:do it or I'll hurt you.

I grabbed the weed and smoked it. I felt myself lose control and become agresive what was I doing... I have a baby on the way.

I felt myself lose control of my body.

Jaden:d-dad are y-you sure this is weed?....

Zach:son you're high.

Jaden:is that a good thing?.

I heard a knock on the door. My dad got up to open it to see a familiar guy demanding money. It was Roger...

Zach:I told you I don't get paid until next week!

Roger:well I need the money by tomorrow!

Zach:fuck off!
He slammed the door.

Jaden:that's Natalie's dad....


Jaden:he's supposed to be in jail...

Zach:he escaped like a month ago he said he was looking for his daughter.

I looked towards the window to see Roger looking at me.

I grabbed a knife and my dad grabbed a gun.

Roger:that's your son?

Zach:yeah what's up?

Roger:he has my daughter!

Dad looks at me.

Zach:well you can't have her!

Roger got angry and pulled out a gun.

My dad shot him right in the leg and saw him fall to the ground.

Zach:take his wepons.
I did as he asked and his group took him into care.

Jaden:dad she's pregnant what of they hurt her....

Zach: chill we're called a gang for a reason.
After some time I was waisted and went to paytons house. Natalie opened the door and noticed how High I was.

Nat:Jaden you smell like weed....

Payton pulled me in the house and sat me on his couch.

I said trying to be nice.

Nat: y-yes...

Jaden:my dad shot your dad in the leg*I laughed*

She looked at me scared than at payton.

Jaden:he's still alive but he's probably looking for you witch is why my dad and the gang are putting gards everywhere.

Pay:are you sure it was Roger?

I show him a picture of him from earlier today.

Jaden:hmm I'm sure
I laugh

Jaden:he was a week pussy!
I laughed.

Natale started to cry And payton gave me a blanket and I feel asleep.

I guess I'm to High to even know what's going on lol I dram about unicorns that night.

A/N: hello its me and I'm sorry I haven't updated. My grandpa passed away a few weeks ago and I needed some me time I hope you understand this sad news and I hope for the best to everyone who needs it. I will try to post often since I start babysitting I'm less than 5 days. I love you all and thanks for 75k you are all beautiful and worth it and don't forget to smile I hope you had a great day or night and don't forget to be nice to each other ❤️

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