Haunted (Request)

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Requested by CrystalStar707


You wake up to a slight knock on the door and yawn, taking your katana from the side of the bed.

Who on earth found us?

You are in a middle-sized ship that you use with Doflamingo while travelling in the New World together.

You move Doffy's hand a bit to free yourself from his warm embrace.

-What is it? -he snorts.

-I will check it, you can go back to sleep. -you smile and kiss his forehead gently.



You touch his hand and call your ability, leaving the lilac light on his skin.

It will protect you from the nightmares.

-Thanks. -he smiles and pulls you down for a kiss. -If there is any trouble I will be there in a second.

-I know.

You stroke his hair once again before leaving the room to enter the deck.

We hid the ship quite well though.

Your power orbits around your body ready to attack, but you don't pull out your sword yet.

Maybe just a big ass fish swam to the side of the ship two times, and I just imagined the knock?

You can't see anyone so you walk to the barrier to look around.

-Psst! [Y/N].

Your eyes widen when you recognize the man hiding behind a rock on the coast.

So just a big ass crocodile.

-What are...?

He shakes his head and points on the ground.

-Co-me he-re. -he mouthes. You roll your eyes and do as he asked, hugging him tightly.

-I'm happy to see you, but what the fuck are you doing here?

-No cursing! -he growls and hits you on the head, making you pissed.

I'M STILL TWENTY-TWO. But it doesn't even matter to him after all.

You take a deep breath and your ability returns to your body, disappearing.

-I haven't seen you since we left you at the prison. -he says and wipes off a tear. -I really missed you.

-We talked with you three days ago! But you said you can't meet us yet. -you protest.

-Because that pink bastard was on the phone. But I came secretly, so come with me! We never had any time together ever.

-But Doffy... -you start and Crocodile pouts a little. -OH GOSH. Fine. Just I will leave him a note.

You roll your eyes and go back to the ship, putting the piece of paper in the sleeping Doflamingo's hand.

"I went to hang out with Croc. I will be back by night, so just wait for me here. He is my brother after all, or what.


Pretty please, Doffy. Love you."


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