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-You are joking! -you laugh to the Dendenmushi sitting on your shoulder while you are collecting the toys from the ground. Your arms are full with them in a few seconds.

-What is so funny about this?! -asks Rosinante pissedly from the phone. -Your brother almost died!

-Because he wanted to throw Strawhat into the sea. -you chuckle.

-Don't blame him. There's only one thing that boy eats faster than meat, and it's Law's braincells.

Hikari runs by your side happily and you barely catch the pot he accidentally knocks off from the little shelf.

-Of fuck. -you hiss, trying to balance it on your foot.

-You shouldn't curse around the children, [Y/N]. -says Rosi but you don't pay attention to him.

-Doffy! -you shout for help but no answer comes. The pot is swaying dangerously. -Oi, Doffy?!

-What a reliable husband you have. -sighs your friend.

-What a reliable brother you have. -you answer, trying your best to put down the pot safely from your leg.

-Oi, I didn't choose him to be. -chuckles Rosi. -But you married the devil on your own will.

-Thanks, you are so much help. -you roll your eyes. Taru appears from the corridor and you smile. -Hey, sunshine. Can you help me a little?

She smirks at you as you struggle to keep the things together, and you know this face too well.


-Right way, just I have to take a picture before. -chuckles the little girl and disappears to get a Snail.

-And you gave him two devil children. -laughs Rosinante loudly and you hear as he slips and breaks something.

-Instant karma, bitch. -you grin at the Dendenmushi, ending the call before he could answer.

And Hikari arrives back to your leg from his next circle around the room. Since he learnt how to run, he barely does anything else. Even if he trips sometimes, still being so tiny.

-Come and help your mommy. -you say to him and he stops so suddenly that he falls back to the ground.

He starts swinging with the same rythm as the pot on your foot.

-Whaddu I get in exchange? -he asks with a sweet smile that melts your heart.

-What do you want, baby?

If he says wine, women or genocide I'll quit this job.

Hikari thinks about the question for a few minutes before his face lights up again.

-A hug!

Oh god, thank you for this precious little boy in the family of Satan.

-As much as you want. -you smile at him and poke with your chin to your leg. -Put down the pot to the ground, sweetheart.

Your son toddles to you and puts his little hands on the pottery.

-Careful, it's heavy and-

You stop when he easily picks it up and places back the pot to the shelf, even if it's as tall as him.

So he inherited his father's strength?

What is waiting for this world when these children grow up...

You blink at the little boy and finally stand on both of your legs again. Then you go to the sofa to put down the collected toys to free your hands too.

Short Tales [Doflamingo×Dowly]Where stories live. Discover now