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This is by far the most fucked up chapter I have ever written


-Doffy, can you stop squirming? -you huff pissedly.

-I'm trying to sleep, Dowly. -he whines, turning to his other side for the hundredth time.

It wouldn't be that big problem, if he didn't hold you by his chest all night long.

-I'm trying too. -you growl. -FOR LIKE FOUR FUCKING HOURS STRAIGHT, MAN!

-Stop shouting when you are so close to my eaaar!

-Oh my god.

-What now?

-You just had a hissy fit!

-No, bitch.

-Yes! And again... ARE YOU DYING?! Auch, don't hit me!

-You deserved it. -he grumbles and throws you to the other side of the bed. For a few seconds you consider the idea to throw a tantrum, then-

At least now I can sleep.

But as soon as your eyes close you feel his strong arms around your body again.

-I'M NOT A TEDDY BEAR, DOFFY! -you protest.

-No. At least those can shut up.

-Wanna sleep alone?!

-C'mon. -he chuckles, kissing your neck tenderly. You blush hardly and hide a little. -Like you could just leave.

-With these long ass arms around me it wouldn't be fun.

-Everything's fun around me.

-You always sleep so calmly by my side, I don't know what has gotten into you now. -you sigh, but turn around to him.

Doffy smiles as soon as he sees your face, it makes your heart beat faster. He strokes your cheek and pulls you even closer to his warm body, pushing his forehead to yours.

-Were you just seeking for attention? -you ask, gently leaving little kisses on his tanned skin.


You lean forward to find his lips and he welcomes you as always. You feel his hug tightening around your body. You run your hands on his back.

Suddenly he smirks and gets out of bed so you fall back from his arms.

-What the fuck?! -you shout at him.

Doffy shrugs and gets his shirt and coat.

-We are going out. -he smiles at you.


He has to stop to roll his eyes at you.

-Try it again, love.


Doffy hits you on the head again and you growl.

-Can you stop hitting me?! By the way I'm not going anywhere.


-IF YOU DO IT TOO IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE! I just won't go. This would be our third random date in one fucking day! I have to sleep. Bye.

And you turn towards the wall.

Doflamingo watches you with dropped jaw, unable to move. Five minutes pass in this chaotic bless of god when you give up and turn around again.

When you see him you freeze down.

Your huge, lunatic husband is sitting on the pink carpet next to the bed, glaring into the air with an imbecile smile.

Short Tales [Doflamingo×Dowly]Where stories live. Discover now