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Art by GerudRaven thank youu

I update this collection rarely because I have more inspiration for other stories, but I recieved a fanart for Vice (background).

I wanted to share because I appreciate the time and effort spent for it 💫 so here's a quite strange One-Shot in exchange that I didn't dare to finish before


-Doffy, I see a pirate ship by that island! -you shout excitedly from the crow's nest.

-Anmfd? -he muffles, holding Hikari's shirt with his teeth while trying to mix the cream for the cake.

-Put him down, idiot. -you growl.

-Idiot, idiot! -claps Taru happily, jumping around her father's leg. He throws a killing glare at you and you chuckle.

-Hikhari alwaysh traies to aiet it. -huffs Doflamingo and the baby laughs as he hears his name, swaying his teeny arms.

Succesfully hitting his dad in the face.

And the precious sunglasses fall into the bowl of cream, causing the Heavenly Demon drop his perfect jaw in horror.


Hikari starts falling down so Doffy lets go of the cream to catch him, then holds the bowl with his feet in the air.

-This was close. -he sighs.

-Why the hell don't you use your Devil Fruit? It would be much easier. -you huff and start climbing down on the ladder.

-Taru bet on that I can't live without it for a day, and I always take the challenge. -he smirks and the baby copies him, laughing sweetly.

Your daughter arrives from the side and takes the bowl to stir the cream. You smile at them and stay on the ladder, reaching for Doffy's shirt.

You pull him closer and kiss him with care, enjoying the lack of height difference.

I still can't believe I need a ladder to kiss my own husband.

-I wanna go to those pirates and catch some if they have bounties. -you whisper to his lips. -I haven't fought in ages.

-We're on vacation, love. -he chuckles and places Hikari on his left arm to hold you with the right. -You shouldn't go.

-You can play babysitter for an hour, right? -you murmur. -I'll be back soon.

-I know. -he smiles and inhales deeply. -But hurry back to us, alright? Or you will get nothing of my famous cake.

Taru accidentally drops the bowl and the cream pours to the ground.

-Oh, fuck. -grimaces the little girl. You facepalm and Doffy laughs proudly, only shuts up when you kick his leg.

-Well, I still have another cake to give you if you behave well. -grins the man and you blush hard.

-Sorry for the cream, Papa. -snuffs the child. Doflamingo crouches to her and messes up her hair.

-It's okay, darling. It was doomed anyway, your brother broke the oven pan. -he smiles. -Dowly, go and fight if you really want. But if you don't-

-I know, I know. -you answer. -If I don't return in an hour, you'll come after me.

-Exactly. -he grins and tries to wipe his sunglasses clean. You kiss his cheek and hug the children, then run inside to get your katana.

Short Tales [Doflamingo×Dowly]Where stories live. Discover now