Oh Shit - Part 7: Switch

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-Did you hear that, Trafalgar? -asks Croc, sitting up.

-What? -asks the other child, looking around the place.

-Someone's coming. -answers Crocodile, starting to climb up to the tree.

-The hell are you doing? -shouts little Law after him.

-You better come too. Don't you trust me? We are brothers after all.

-Brothers my ass. -huffs Law. -You hurt Strawhat-ya in Alabasta.

-But saved him in the war, didn't I? -grins Croc. He takes place on a bigger branch, looking down with the bright green eyes. -Also, yes. Because my sister is your sister, we are brothers. It's clear.

-She's not your sister.

-She is. -huffs the boy, turning to the sky. -You know what, you can't be this mean forever. I'm safe here.

[A/N]: He's wrong.

-My Haki would warn me if anyone comes. -answers baby Law, rolling his eyes.

-Not if you are way too used to their presence. -smirks Croc. -Have fun. You'll make a great fairy princess.

-What the-

But the Surgeon of Death stops when he hears steps from his back. He turns pale as snow when he turns around.

-Here you are, Captain! -shouts Bepo overjoyedly, picking up the little boy.

-Oi, put me down! -he protests.

-Get the dress, Shachi. -smiles Penguin.

And when Law sees the purple costume, he starts screeching from the bottom of his heart.

-It's alright, Captain. Doflamingo already said that you will be too shy to admit that you asked for this dress personally.

-Too cute. -gushes Penguin, taking it from Shachi.

-No. NoOoO! NOOOO! -screams Law, but nobody pays attention to him. Without any opportunities, he turns to his last ray of hope. -Sand-ya, come and help me!

-Oh man. -smirks down the other from the tree. -If only you would be my brother.

-Look, another one. -says Shachi when he hears the voice. Croc grins at them sniffily from the tree.

-He's pretty cute too. Let's give him the kitten costume! -claps Penguin. Your step-brother's smile dies in a split second and he starts climbing upper to escape.

-Don't let him run away!

-I got it, I'm the expert. -says Bepo, running to tree.

He completely ignores the desperately yelling of the others.


-This screaming... -you murmur scaredly, switching to faster running. Little Doffy is still sitting on your shoulder, helpfully trying to clean your face.

-You are getting prettier and prettier again-eh. -he says, scrubbing your cheek.

-I thought I'm always pretty for you. -you smile, turning to your right, following the voices. -We are almost there, Doffy.

My shoulder seems lighter suddenly.



You turn around and see the little boy sitting on the ground, sniffling.

-A branch hit me off-eh. -he says. You crouch to him and hug him tightly. You kiss his forehead gently.

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