Like father like child

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-Is this how I should do it, mom? -asks Taru, a bit clumsily mixing the salad for the lunch.

-It's amazing. -you smile. -Here's the cheese too. We are almost done.

-It's yummy.

-Of course it is, I spend the whole morning cutting up the vegetables. -you smile, drinking a little.

-But Daddy's salad was better. -says Taru and you choke on your water, coughing a bit.

-I told you to not eat of it, Taru!

-But he brought me some when you did gardening. -she explains calmly.

-Mix the salad sweetheart, I will go to have some words with your father. -you sigh and kiss the top of his dark hair gently before going to the living room.

-Doffy. -you say when you see him sleeping on the sofa, his fluffy coat is covering his body. He has a book over his eyes, the sunglasses are on the coffee table.

He snorts as he hears his name and moves a little.

-Doffy, wake up. -you continue a bit more pissedly. He murmurs something, his long arm reaching for the book to lift it a little.

The vivid golden blue eyes glance at you from under the pages.

-What is it, Dowly? -he whispers.

-You gave Taru from your damn salad?!

-So what? Salad is healthy. -he yawns a little. -You woke me up to tell this?

Your eye twitch a little as he smirks.

You know exactly my problem, Doffy.

-That shit was soaking in wine! -you shout.

-Shhh, you are too loud. -he sighs, glancing at his chest. You lift a brow but don't ask it, because he continues. -Little wine never hurt anyone.

-Remember when you got poisoned by that little wine? -you huff.

-And I still drink. This is what I call loyalty. -he chuckles.

-But you can't give Taru alcohol!

-C'mon, it wasn't that much. -Doffy smiles. -You are so grumpy today, darling. Have you slept enough? Beauty-sleep you know. They say it does miracles, and you could use one.


-Oi, we said we won't curse when the kids are home. -he grins.

-It's too late anyway. When Taru calls Law, she always learns like five new words per minute.

-Sweet little Law still discovering new kinds of mental disorders with the Strawhats.


-You look angry, Dowly.

-Because you are mean!

-I was always like this. -he winks at you, finally putting down the book. -But I'm joking. You are beautiful as always. Just try to not speak so loud.

You blush a little from his words.

-Don't give Taru wine while she is this young, Doffy.

-Maybe. -he grins. -Actually I started drinking earlier and look at me. So damn perfect and healthy.


-Fine, fine... -he chuckles a bit. -But quiet shouting finally.

-Why are you so silent today? -you sigh resignedly and Doffy smiles. He pulls his coat down a bit and you spot a little blonde head on his wide chest.

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