Family - 1000 vote on Vice special

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-And then daddy murdered them all without mercy! -grins Doflamingo proudly, creating a little rainbow above the bed with his colourful strings.

-Doffy! -you hiss at him from the other side of the room.

-What? -he looks at you innocently. -You asked me to tell her a bedtime story!

-I asked you to tell something sweet that helps her to sleep. -you roll your eyes.

-I did. -he huffs. -I don't understand you, Dowly. And look, she enjoyed it so much!

And truly, your three year old daughter, Taru is clapping happily in her bed. Doffy laughs and picks her up, whirling the little girl around the air.

You can't help but smile at them as he rubs his nose against hers.

-There, there. -says Doffy and places his daughter back to the bed, tucking the sides of her blanket.

You give a little kiss on the forehead of your son in your arms, and place him in the cradle. He looks exactly like the child version of his father, just with your eyes.

-Sleep well, Hikari. -you smile at him tenderly. The baby yawns and lifts his little arms towards you.

-Switch? -asks Doffy from the other bed.


As he goes beside you he catches your chin to give you a little kiss and you blush.

-I like papa's stories. -smiles your daughter angelicly when you appear by her side. She has the same beautiful golden blue pair of eyes like her father.

-He just drinks too much booze, sweetheart. -you answer, stroking her cheek. Doffy snorts loudly and even stops playing with his son for a second.

He is moving the stuffed toys with his strings in the air.

You give a forehead kiss to your daughter too.

-Good night.

-Good night, mom. -she smiles happily, and you stroke her dark hair one last time before going to the door.

-Doffy, come.

-A minute. -he answers, lifting up his son. -Who is your favourite, Hikari? Mom or dad?

-He can't speak yet, Doffy. -you smile at them.

-Doffy! -repeats Hikari the end of your sentence with a happy chuckle.

You jaw drops at his first word and your husband laughs loudly, kissing your son's little chubby cheek.

-That hurts. -you sigh. -Now everyone in this room loves you the most.

-No. I love you more than myself. -he winks at you.


-Finee. -he laughs. -But it's the same level.

-Much better. -you smile.

-I love mama and papa both this much! -shouts Taru, standing up, expanding her little arms as far as she can.

Doffy smiles happily and places back Hikari to the cradle.

-Go to sleep now, darlings. -he smiles, following you to the door. Hikari yawns again, and Taru waves at the two of you as you leave the room.


Doffy picks you up and leaves a gentle kiss on your lips as he makes his way to the living room. You smile and push your face to his bare chest.

-This was a tiring day. -you whisper, breathing in the scent of the tanned skin.

-I'm not tired at all. Maybe you are just still this useless. -he grins and you huff loudly.

Short Tales [Doflamingo×Dowly]Where stories live. Discover now