Oh Shit - Part 4: Creaking

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-We did this. -you huff, hiding behind a building. Little Rosi smiles and hums happily. -Let's go back to the ship. Killer will make us amazing dinner for sure. Much better than I could.

-Did you forget about me-eh?! -you hear an indignant voice from your backpack.

-Doffy, I'm sorry! -you shout and open the bag. Your love's little version sniffles angrily and climbs out.

-You are terrible-eh! When did you last clean this backpack?!

-It's your backpack not mine. -you huff.

-So what-eh? We are a team as you always say-eh!

-I have no intention in arguing with a child.

-But Dowly-eh! -he prances with rage.

-Do you wanna go back to the backpack?! -you shout.

-D-don't fight. -snuffs baby Rosinante loudly and both of you frown.

-You made Rosi cry, hope you are happy-eh. -rolls Doffy his eyes. He hugs his little brother and strokes his blonde hair.

-I'm sorry. -you sniffle sadly and a flash of guilt runs on the older brother's face.

Doflamingo climb to your lap, still holding Rosi's hand, leaving a little kiss at your cheek.

-I didn't want to hurt you. Just being a child at my age is not easy-eh. -he says with a little blush.

-And it's not easy to play babysitter with you all. -you snuff again, hugging them tightly.

-Don't hug me, oi-eh!

-Shut up-eh, let me have this little piece of happiness!

-I love both of you this much... -says Rosi, smiling at the two of you, expanding his little arms. But then a little confusion appears on his face. -...much-eh?

-Stop jeering me! -shouts baby Doffy. -I don't even have an accent-eh!

You take a deep breath and stand up again, this time leaving them on the ground.

-It's just one day. You can do this, you are a strong independent soul. -you say, leading them by their hands to the direction of the ship.

-Don't forget how gorgeous I'm-eh.

-I was talking to myself, Doffy.

The Donquixote brothers look at you with a strange expression, then at each other.

-I think she's losing her mind. -says Rosi and Doffy nods.

-I want divorce-eh.

-Don't remind me of that we are married while you are a damn child! -you panick. -I will kill Bonney one day...

-Killing is bad, [Y/N]! -huffs Rosi, pulling your hand.

-Right, right, just let's go! You all have to eat and go to sleep as soon as possible, or I won't survive this day.

-Are you ill, Dowly-eh? -asks Doffy worriedly.

-Just close to mental breakdown. Hurry up, little ones!

-But I will get my wine-eh you promised!

-Of course.


A bit farer

-Did you see that other child, Shachi? -gasps Penguin, watching baby Doffy's back. Luckily they couldn't see his face.

-I never imagined Crocodile to have kids! And they are both blonde. -hums the other. -Did you hear them, Bepo?

The mink turns back to them from the eavesdropping with watery eyes.

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