Doffy's wish

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Two month passed since we escaped Impel Down.

Five weeks since you and your love said goodbye to Rosinante, Law and his crew.

And two weeks since-

Doflamingo left you.


You are sitting in the crow's nest of your ship like almost always since that day, glaring at the sea and the sky, wishing for a pink spot to appear on the horizon.

But it didn't.

You don't have any tears left to cry anyway.

He left without a word, just with a little letter. One single sentence.

I have to settle some things.


And he didn't come back. Did he get scared of his new life? Where did he go?

Why would he go? We were... so happy.

You slept in his arms peacefully that night as always. And he woke up, then walked out of the bedroom silently.

You thought he just wanted a glass of water or heard something, but he never returned.

You are empty since that day. Barely sleep, barely eat, just watching the sea, waiting for him to return.

You can't even call him, because he doesn't have a snail for you.

Because we were always together.

I know that he loves me with his whole heart. But if he does, what could happen? How could he leave me?

Will he ever come back?

Sometimes it crosses your mind that you should go to search for him, but you are unable, without any idea of his goal.

He must return to me. Whatever happened. He will come back.

You glance at the Dendenmushi in your hand.

I have to talk with someone.

I just feel like I can't leave this place. Not until I understand. There was no sign.

If there were any intruders or fight that made him leave, my Haki would have woke me up.

Doffy. Where are you?

Two weeks. Two long weeks.

You take a deep breath and lift up the snail, starting the call.

Crocodile and Law would never understand me. All I could get with calling them is two angry brothers ready to hunt down Doffy.

But maybe him...

-[Y/N]! -he shouts happily. -I'm so happy you called me. Is everything alright with you? It has been a while.

-Rosinante. Do you know something about Doffy?

Just tell me he is fine.

Rosi is silent for a few seconds.

-Did he do something to you? Your voice...

-He left.

-There is no way. He loves you more than anything, ever in his life.

-Doffy left our ship two weeks ago, and didn't come back. -you whisper.


-I don't know what to do, Rosi! -you cry. -I feel like I can't leave this place without him. I can... still feel his scent everywhere around the ship. And-

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