Oh Shit - Part 1: That Jewelry Bonney

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[A/N] this short story is discontinued, but doesn't end with a cliffhanger

-DAAAAAAMN! -you yell happily, pulling the prize to yourself. Doffy laughs delightedly by your side and gives a gentle kiss on your temple.

-That's my girl. Fifth win in a row. -he grins.

-You are cheating! -protests your pink-haired opponent angrily, making the next half pizza disappear.

-Nah, I'm just talented. -you chuckle, counting the money. -And as you know, Bonney, every big player has to have a sassy bitch by their side to cheer.

She laughs at this even if you just took almost all of her money.

Doffy looks at you with lifted brow, then glances over your shoulder, his shoulder, Bonney, the table. He checks the whole area around the two of you and his jaw drops a little.

Took you some time to realise, huh?

-That's right. -you grin and pick up some money, placing it in his huge hand. -Go, buy yourself something new, babyboy.

-I will never let you drink that stuff again. -he growls pissedly, only making you laughs again. -You are cheeky enough without that anyway.

-I'm never cheeky enough. -you smile, pulling his coat a bit, so he leans down and you can bite his lip playfully.

If you knew how happy I am to annoy the hell out of you.

-I'm still here, so regulate yourself or I will puke. Bleh. -comments Bonney and you turn back to her with an innocent smile.

-My bad. -you laugh and Doffy rolls his eyes with a loud sigh.

-Someone, bring me a sassy bitch for the last round! -shouts back Bonney to his crew, but they just scratch their napes, avoiding her gaze. -And I need two more pizzas with extra meat.

-But Captain... -they murmur.

-Do ya all want me to lose the whole game, guys?! -she shouts.

-What if I lend you one? -you wink at her. -I have a few in reserve.

-Then what are you waiting for?! Give me! -laughs Bonney.

You lean back on your chair and yell through the bar.


Doffy catches the back of your chair in the last moment before you fall back lop and top. He picks you up and places you on his lap.

You purr better than any cat around and rub your cheek against his chest, making him smile. His arms curl around your waist to pull you in a warm hug.

Your brother arrives running and stops so quickly that his shoes creak on the floor.

-What, Lammy? I'm here, I'm here! -he says and turns a bit green when he sees you in Doflamingo's embrace.

He shivers and takes a deep breath, making you chuckle.

You poke towards Bonney with your chin.

-She needs someone to cheer for the last round. I want to give her the best sassy bitch I have, so maybe she can get a chance to win. -you explain with a wide smile.

Law's tanned skin turns white, then red from the annoyance.

-I will go back to Cora-san. -he huffs pissedly and round on his heels. His long coat whirls in the air from the dramatic movement, his bit high-heeled shoes knocking on the floor.

Doffy rests his chin on the top of your head and your heart trembles from his deep voice so close.

-He is really the best. -he chuckles.

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