Oh shit - Part 3: Shambles

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-Rosinante. Don't cry, I'm here! -you shout and put Doffy down, running there.

-[Y/N]!! -Corazon cries. -He knows about the spideer!

-Sweetheart, I helped you with the gravestone and the flowers, it must be in the heaven now. Don't worry about it. -you say quickly. -Come, we are going back to the ship together.

As you try to pick him up, you realize a little problem.

If you want to lift Rosinante safely, you have to reach his little arm and chest.


But Kid is more than two meters tall.

-Oh gosh, you damn giant men everywhere! -you shout angrily and Eustass' eyes twitch. He steps back, protectively holding Corazon.

-What do you want with Killer, [Y/N]? -he hisses at you.

-KID, I AM KILLER! -shouts the real Killer angrily.

-AND I WILL BE YOUR DAMN KILLER IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS BULLSHIT! -you throw a tantrum and the men turn pale.

-Dowly, I will lift you up to Rosi-eh. -offers Doffy by your side. You frown and look at the child.

-Doffy. I love you from the deepest point of my heart and I say this with the most appreciaton and care: you are fucking tiny now.

-But I'm strong! -he huffs angrily.

You hear something from your side and see as Eustass opens the sake and drinks half of the bottle in the same second.

-This is too complicated to stay sober. -he states. Your eyes gleam for a split second and you steal the glass.

-Indeed. -you sigh and drink down.



-No offense, [Y/N], but... -comments Killer from the side. -Kid is literally always in a mental crisis.

-As he said. -agrees the redhead with firm belief.

-Just give back Rosinante! -you shout, shaking your fists in the air.

-Exactly-eh! -says baby Doffy as support.

-Killer, lift me up so I can get him. -you say but the masked man recoils.

-I don't give back little Killer! -argues Kid.

-UWAAAAAAAA! -cries Rosinante again.

-JEEZ FUCK! -screams Eustass and throws the child down. Killer catches the little one in the air with a loud sigh.

You watch as the last tomato crushes on the floor and sniffle.

-I give up. -you cry, falling on your knees. Doffy climbs up to your lap and hugs you sweetly.

-Don't be sad, Dowly-eh. -he says. -I will kick your ass if you cry.

You smile a bit and stroke his blonde hair. -I'm okay, darling.

-Killers, we are going to the ship. I won't stay here any longer. -states Eustass.

-But he is Rosinante! -you shout again so hysterically that a tear flows on your face.

I'm losing like a thousand braincells per second since this started.

Baby Doffy tiptoes on your thighs so he can reach your face and wipe off the tear.

-Sorry, sunshine. I'm fine. -you say quickly, leaving a little kiss on his forehead.

-I got this, [Y/N]. -sighs Killer. -It hurts to see you this desperate.

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