Wedding (Request)

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[The book has random One Piece images as backgrounds, the original pictures were lost somehow while republishing this story]

Requested by BrandishUsagi


I faced a few problems while writing this chapter:

1. I realised I know nothing about weddings

2. We literally know nothing about weddings in One Piece

3. I can't even imagine a regular wedding with Doffy lol


You flatten out the creases of your long, white dress and look at yourself in the mirror.

Just the two us.

Yet I'm still so excited. Doffy insisted on preparing everything only by himself.

I wonder what will it be like.

Will the world change when I become his wife?

I don't think our connection could be any stronger than currently.

Law, Rosinante, Crocodile. And all my friends.

I wish you to be with us this day. Maybe another time we will remake this event with all of you.

But we didn't want to wait any longer.

You take a deep breath and complete your look by placing a little pink feather in your hair.

I hope he won't mind that I stole it this morning.

You whirl around to see if it stays or not, but it works.

I feel so beautiful.

I hope you will like it too, Doffy.

You make no progress in going for a few minutes, then you hear his deep voice.

-Dowly, I'm waiting for like half an hour here! -he shouts.

-I'm worth waiting, bitch! -you yell back, turning to the mirror again. A smile spreads on your lips as you hear him growling.

I wanted to go now, but then I will just wait a bit more.


-I'm coming. -you say, stepping to the separeted area of the forest.

-Finally... -he grumbles. You nervously take the bouquet of flowers he picked for you this afternoon bearing in mind your favourits.

Your breath stops when you see the place.

-Doffy, this is...

The light is coming through the little places between the leaves of the trees. It looks as golden as your love's hair.

He is standing like ten meters far from you, at an arch made of moss, plants and flowers.

He turned his back to you as you asked before.

-... beautiful, right? -Doffy finishes your sentence, and you hear from his voice that he is smiling. -Just as you dreamed about it.

You want to answer back, but it's true.

From the trees, more flowers hanging down with little glasses full of glowworms. He put every single detail together. You start walking towards him and release your Devil Fruit.

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