Proposal (Request)

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Requested by AnimeGag4

Three days ago

You walk out of the changing room with the confidence of an icon, in a beautiful pink dress with deep cleavage.

You have learned how to make every reveal of yourself a full show since you are living with Doffy.

Naturally you are still not as good as him, but getting better and better.

But I probably won't be able to gain so much grace and confidence. He's on an abnormal level no matter how I think about it.

Anyway, I'm still amazing myself, dammit.

You whirl a little to show the dress even more and smile at the audience brightly.

-So, how do I look?

They don't seem to be that happy to tell the truth.

Rosinante is cross-legged sitting on the carpet, Law is in his lap like a child. Crododile is chewing on his cigar on the sofa.

-You look beautiful, [Y/N]. -claps Rosi sweetly.

Your brothers on the other hand are glaring at your figure with terrible grimaces on their faces.

-Just say it, guys. -you sigh, getting ready.

-Too much cleavage. -starts Law.

-And too short. -continues Crocodile.

He reaches down with his flesh hand and the Surgeon of Death gives him a high five, even if the grimace of disgust is still blooming on their stunning faces.

-So it's a three from three! -you cheer happily and run back to the room. A few seconds later you throw the dress out. -Go and buy it, I will get my clothes back.

The pink piece lands on Crocodile' head who jumps away like one hit by lightning.

-Three from three, Lammy?! -shouts Law pissedly. -Two of us was against it!

-Rosi's word counts four anyway. And from you and Croc, I wanted exactly this reaction. -you laugh and stop for a second.

I can literally hear their eyes twitching.

And it's hilarious.

You set your original clothes and fix your hair using the mirror before going out.

Rosi is smiling a bit and he stands up.

-Law and Crocodile went to buy the dress. -he says. -Aren't you afraid that they will ruin it to stop you?

-Nah, they know that I would just by an even more extreme one. -you laugh.

-And what's the occasion? -Rosinante smiles.

-What occasion? -you pretend to be innocent.

-C'mon, [Y/N]. I'm not one of your brothers.

-Fine. -you chuckle. -But this will be our secret, alright?


-I will propose Doffy three days from now! -you whisper.

His jaw drops.

-You're gonna do what?!

-Propose him. -you repeat, rolling your eyes. -That bitch surely thinks that he can wait and propose me as a great pink knight of the seas, but I'm an independent strong woman! I want to see his face.

-Oh god. -murmurs Rosi, pale as snow. -There will be trouble.


-[Y/N], that's the day when-

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