░ Chapter 3 ░

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Y/n's pov

We reached our office more early than we expected but it's ok. So we though to go to the cafe which is besides our office, we didn't had our breakfast so we grab our coffee and went to my office. We wait for a while as we didn't had any case in our hands right now so we were free for a while which was good cause from past 5 months it like one case didn't even came half way another is ready, poor Tae even started to live in the office he said until all the cases didn't got solved he won't come out of his office. Me and Jimin had to drag him out of his office.

As we were in my office I started going through the case files which were given to us yesterday by our Director. As I was reading the files there was one thing that caught my attention "Hyung! look just what I found!" I called as they were about to come but one of our employee came and told us to go to the Director's office. So we went to his office.

Namjoons pov

I woke up and saw the time and it was about 7:15 am I rolled on my bed for a while and then went into the bathroom as I took my shower and went out to get ready.
"Damn I just want to go for a good vacation at this point" I said to myself cause from last few months I am not able to take any kind of half day or even a day off not even on week end.
I got ready and opted to wear something formal since it is my first time working in a team.

 I got ready and opted to wear something formal since it is my first time working in a team

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Good thing it was winter I can wear this for the whole day now. I went to my garage and took my car.

Namjoon: at least let me have in this fiction story, it's not like I am going to drive in real.
A/n: fine fine. )

I reached where I had to and was in front of a big building, I went in and was greeted by a GIRL!! ok joon calm down she is not going to eat you. I said to myself, I am not scared of girls it's just that I was never comfortable with girls that's it. "Good Morning Mr. Kim" she said as she bowed and so did I "It's nice to meet you Mam" I said "Let's take you to the director's office sir" she said and I followed her.

After a long walk which felt like forever we reached as she knocked "come in!" a firm voice said and I went in. I entered and bowed to the director but there were not only the director there were three more kids which I would say. 'I hope this is not my team' I said "Come Namjoon. I see it took you awhile for you reach here" the director said "yes sir it did" I said "Anyways meet you team. Usually there are a lot of them in one team but these three kids are enough to solve all the pending cases in the whole country" He said as he stood up "then why did you call me?" I asked "cause the case I gave to you guys is no joke, you all have to do the work by yourself, not even a single officer is ready to help them so I called you. You are known for your sneaky plans and ideas so I thought that calling you might help you" he said as I was about to speak that girl in the middle of those boys spoke "He is not going to come handy sir, we are three and all of use are enough" she said in a thick and cold voice "I know how capable you guys are-" She cut the director "THEN WHY?! You know what. Just let him be we are going!" she said and all the three of them bowed and went outside.

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