░ Chapter 17░

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Namjoons pov

I saw a Jimin he was panting like hell he ran and hugs me and starts crying like hell "I AM SORRY HYUNG! I AM SO SORRY" he said while crying while I was just confused, but I hugged him back "shhhhhh it's ok. I know you were angry, it's fine I know what you were going through but we have to find her" I said as I broke the hug but he didn't let and as if that was less Tae came and joined the crying secession. Both Tae and Jimin were crying like hell "aish calm down kids she will be fine she is string" i said as I rubbed there head and back to calm them down.

They looked scared, very scared. I was scared as well but I didn't let them see but my tears fall eventually. I pushed them a bit "now if you don't mind we have to find my girlfriend and your sister." I said "yes" they both said "don't forget us" all the three of us looked behind us and saw Jungkook and Yoongi hyung standing with there guns in their hands "how can we forget you" I, jimin and Tae said at the same time and looked at each other and smiled "lets kick some butts shall we?" Taehyung said.

"no you won't cause she will do that by herself we just have to make sure that she knows that we are coming" Jungkook said with a smirk "what do you mean?" Jimin asked

"I mean this is not the first time she was targeted by the people is it?" He said and then "MEANS THOSE WHO ATTACKED US HAVE KIDNAPPED HER?!!" Jimin and Tae shouted "yes" Yoongi said in a calm tone and came in front "she will be fine, she has always snuck out of those places and then was never caught. She will come here. And she won't come empty handed she will get all the information with her or maybe something that is useful and we don't even have to do anything we just have to give that information to Director and then boom case solved" Yoongi hyung said "well. . . . that is good but we still have to go find her cause they are taking her a bit too far if we don't move now we might lose her" Tae said "what are we waiting for? Let's get this bread!" Jungkook said as all of us took our gun phone and went in Jungkook's truck. "hang in there Y/n we are coming" I said "no need she is brave, she will come out before we reach there" Jimin and Taehyung said.

Y/n's pov

I woke up and saw myself tied with ropes on a chair. I was locked in a room which didn't had any kind of window just a door. I assumed that there was a camera in this room so I just kept my head low and moved my hand which were tied behind my back on the chair. I moved them slowly and loosen up he rope a bit. I had a knife in the sleeves of my more like Namjoons jacket, he always has one in his sleeves. I moved my wrist a bit and the knife falls down in my hand still not noticeable cause it was at the tip of my palm. I slowly move the knife without making any noise still my head hung low.

after like half an hour the rope was no longer on my wrist. My feets were not tied and that was a bit fishy but good for me. 'they probably thought I was a weak girl' I said to myself and finally I look up and as I assumed there was camera in a corner. I look into it and smirked. I didn't got up but Just wait for the time to come.


As thought someone came in with a water bottle. 'wait for it! wait for it' he came closer and bend down and as he bend down without wasting any time I kicked the guy and threw my knife straight in the camera and it broke. I took the knife out of the camera, my phone, I had a gun ofcourse "hey babyg-" I shoot the man in his head.

I ran out of that room just to find some more man there back facing me. I went near them "You know I love Tom Cruise" the first man said "me too I also love Tom Cruise" the other man said I pooped up with an idea "Nope I like James Bond more" I said and before they turn I shoot them and took their guns of course. I was surprised that no one is running behind me like in movies 'must be on there way' I said to myself and went further and then I saw some guards coming towards me I turn and some more I was trapped. They take their guns out and ready to shoot but I ran away from the left side and kept on running until I found a door it read 'control room' on the label "i came at the right place" I said to myself and went in and to my surprise it was empty, no on was there I went inside anyways and start to find some information, but it was empty then it clicked me I turn around just to find myself locked up in this room. I run to the door and kept my ear on it "Boss she is trapped in here" it was a male voice "good take care that she doesn't try to run. That room was just a tryal she can't escape from here" on other voice said it was a girls voice "but boss why did you trap her?" the man asked "she had my man that's why. She lives in a country I hate the most. I will destroy her country and her as well and will get my man" she says in a bitchy voice 'so she is behind my joon ha she wish that boi is mine and will be mine and mine only' I said to myself and try to hack the computer over here in this room 'they are so dumb to even thing that I am any kind of dumb girl' I said to myself.

I hacked into their system within no time and took all the information needed, cause why not. There were a lot of pendrive I took one and checked if it had any tracker in it or something and yes there was. I removed it and place it together and transferred all the information into it and kept it in my pocket "now how to get out of here?" I asked myself and saw a vent and I opened it 'should I go in or should I take the door?' I asked myself but ended up breaking the door.

I got out of the door and saw two guard once again but this time they saw me snuck out "HEY WAIT!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" They shouted and I ran and they chase me. I started to run circles around a pillar and so did they and soon I ran out of that circle and they were still running in circles. I Ran out of that block and after that I didn't meet any guard. I got to the downstairs to till the basement. I knew that Tae and Jimin will come for me they always have and this time also they will. I opened the door which read 'weapons and basement' I went in and saw a lot of guns rifle and bomb. 'They got a good stuff here. Namjoon would have gone mad if he was here' I said to myself and went through all the weapon and then my eyes went to a bag and I smirked.

I took all the good stuff I had and even took an ear piece and placed it in my ear. I turned my phone on and that's all I had to do. After doing that I stayed there only, I didn't called because I saw how the navigation system works and it's powerful so I just turned my phone on and my location and moved out of the room. I checked if anyone was there but I saw no one. I stepped out and started walking until I spotted more guards on the entrance ' I would have taken the back door in the basement ' I said to myself but I can't go back now. I took a coin from my pocket and rolled it towards those guards as an distraction when the guards saw the coin and went near it and all I had to do is shoot them and I did and went I walked until I reached some other hall which was full of boxes and cars and even had some chair. Soon I heard some footsteps coming so I hid behind a big box ready to shoot someone but I just can't shoot anyone I don't want to get caught and then all of a sudden I heard a lot of footsteps they came closer
And closer
Without any thought I got up and was about to shoot but was shocked to see who it was.


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