░ Chapter 4 ░

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Namjoons pov

The moment they said that they are taking a half day I wasted no time in standing up and going out of the office and to home. I got out of the building as I saw those three kids in the parking lot, one went to the driving seat and the other boy which I think was Taehyung went at the passenger's seat and Y/n went on the back seat and they went out. I didn't bother much and sat in my car and went home.

The moment I entered the first thing I did was throwing my shoes and removing my jacket. I went to my room and got changed it was still after noon I didn't had much work to do but I thought that I should do some research on the case which was given to us but. . . . .nah. I went downstairs and sat in the library. "which on should I read?. . . .maybe not today" I said as I went in kitchen and grabbed a banana and as if my bad luck was not enough the moment I peeled the banana it falls on the ground ". . .but why?" I said as I picked it up and threw it in the bin and went up stairs.

"I am getting a feeling that these kids are going to torcher me a lot"

Jimins POV

As I was driving there was pin drop silence in the car, and. . . . this was not at all usual. No one was talking even Taehyung was not speaking or else till than I know him he will never shut up about our old time. I thought that maybe I did or said which they didn't like so I decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry!" I said "Wait what? don't tell me you ate the last dumpling in the morning which I kept in the fridge at night?!!" Y/n said "No! I didn't ate anything" I said "If you thought that we are quiet because you did something or said something wrong than that's not the case" Tae said "you know me to well. But anyways the silence was eating me alive so. . . ." I didn't continue because I didn't knew what to say "I was just having a bad feeling about that Namjoon guy nothing else" Y/n said "Me too, the vibes he gave out were not good" Tae said "I can't say anything right now but I can say one thing that he also hates it as much as we do" I said "when I saw him he looked like he was functioning on coffee" Tae said "Yes, he looked hella tired and drained out of energy" Y/n said "I have to tell you something" Tae said "what is it tae?" both me and Y/n said "I am hungry" he said "Hi hungry I am Y/n" Y/n said and the car was filled with laughter again.

We reached home and got changed and this house has a rule that you should fight. As I went downstairs in the living room I saw Y/n and Taehyung fighting for chips. "Yah! Just share it or should I eat it?" I said as they stopped fighting. "So. . . What should we do?" Y/n asked and I just smirked.

Y/n's pov

I asked jimin hyung what should we do and he just smirked and I was like just what is going on inside that dirty mind of his and then it clicked me "OH HELL NO! WE ARE NOT PLAYING ANY KIND DIRTY GAMES!!" I shouted "No i wasn't thinking about anything like that. I was talking about that Namjoon guy" Jimin hyung said "yup he is acting kinds sus, I didn't felt good" Tae said "lets not talk about that man, I got a bad feeling about him so. . . please" I said and stood up "just where do you think you are going?" Jimin hyung said "to make our lunch and you guys wait here" I said as I went in the kitchen and started to make something which all of us like.

I was cooking and I found myself spacing out. 'What the heck just happen?' I asked myself as I was done cooking and I call Jimin and Taehyung to eat "JIMIN-AH! TAEHYUNG AH! FOOD IS READY COME. . . .WASH YOUR HANDS AND THEN COME!!" I shouted "YUP! WE ARE COMING!" they shouted as I set the table and after a while they came and sat down, and as our rule we hold hands "a family that eats together, stays together" and we dig in "whoa~ this is good" Tae said "thanks now eat" I said and we eat in silence a comfortable silence. Just to sit besides them is more than enough for me to find my peace, yes we are restless but we find peace in each other weird right. People go to places just to know how world is, these two are my whole world, they are my everything and the only I have in this world, they have their parents while I don't. I mean I had but they are no more, these two are my only family, and I know I have to let them go one day which I don't want to.

I was bought out of my thoughts by Jimin hyung shouting at me "JUNG Y/N!!! EARTH TO JUNG Y/N!!" he shouted "huh- yes hyung?" I said "I have been calling you from last 15 minutes where were you?" Jimin hyung said "umm it's nothing" I said and Jimin just stare at me with look which says 'lets talk after tae sleeps'. After a while we were done eating our food and we sat there at the table and talked for a while and then cleaned the kitchen up.

Not much later Tae went to bed, we don't want him to stay up for long, he has had a tons of sleepless nights in the past 5 to 6 months. As he went to his slumber Jimin hyung dragged me to the kitchen table and at me down.

"now tell me what's the matter?" Jimin said "with me? No nothing is wrong with me I am ju-" I was cut off by him slamming his fist on the table and nearly breaking it "what did I told you? don't. lie. to. your. hyung!" he said in a steady voice which scary as I look down for not telling the truth. "Tell me what is it? you were silent for the whole day, in car and even while dinner. Even Tae came to know something is off, he told me you didn't scold him for playing with his food today, this not at all ok" He said "well. . . . "


Die in suspense, but don't worry we are just getting started. The real thrill is still left. For a few chapters there won't be any kind of thrill but after a bit there will be so bare me 🤺 🤺🤺.

Now go and do your work before I order my plants to come and hunt you in your dreams. Go shu shu. AND VOTE AND GO, if you don't want don't it's up to you

love you guys <3 <3 <3

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