░ Chapter 20 ░

119 14 4

6 months later

Y/n's POV
It has been 6 months after joon told me he loves me. Right now both of us are having a day off. If you are thinking where Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi hyung are well. . . . . They are own there own. Jimin hyung and Taehyung has found there love and I am happy, Jungkook also met IU and got her autograph and Yoongi well that person is still the same. Ofcourse we still work together but we have so much work that we don't meet that often.


Yea that's Namjoon "KIM NAMJOON STOB SINGING IN THE SHOWER!!!" I shouted from downstairs and the I heard the shower go off. After a while he came down and hugged me from back "do I sign to that bad?" He said whispering in my ears "yes, for once I thought my ears were bleeding" I said "sorry, but I am lot vocal in bed tho" he said as he kissed my neck "AISH stop that wil you?" I said and I hit his belly lightly with my elbow. "Oh-" he hissed in pain as I turn around "I am so sorry did it hurt that bad" I said "no not at all, but look at you being all soft for me" he said and the we heard that door bell " I shall take that" I said as I went and open the door and was attacked by my two babies "Y/N!!!!!" Tae shouted as he hugged me like always making me fall back and as if that was less even Jimin falls on us and hugged me "I missed you" Jimin said "just what are you doing? Trying to kill my girlfriend?" He said as he stood infront of us "don't say that-" before I could finish Tae attacked Namjoon with his big hug "NAMJOONIE AHH" He said as he jumped on him and wrapped his arm and legs around him and then Jimin got up and hugged him as well. I could see him smile smile like he met his own kids I mean he acts like a dad sometimes NGL.

"Fine now get up and come in" he said "they are not alone" we turned and saw Jungkook and Yoongi hyung "oh hi hyung" Namjoon said and so did I. We all went in the living room and sat down. Don't ask me, the couch is there but all of us sat on the floor maybe because it has more space. "Ok ok I have a good news lads" jungkook said as he clapped his hands "what is it koo?" I asked him "well. . . .you see" he said as he rubbed his neck and looked down "you found a girl" Namjoon said and he nodded and there was dead silence "wow who is that lucky lady" I asked him "I will meet her today her name is Jennifer and she even looks a bit like IU" he said "oh lala to bad she is not IU" I said teasing him "no need to put salt on my burns" he said "actually even I have a news" Tae said "you proposed Jisoo and she yes?" I said "yes. . . " He said and I jumped on him "MY MY CONGRATULATIONS!" I said "you grew so fast" I said as I wipe my fake tears. And the day went by just like that. Of use sharing our old and new memories and funny incidents.


All of them left after lunch we had a lot of fun but we also had work. I came back in living room and saw the Namjoon sleeping peacefully. I got near him and crouch down infront of him and bop his nose "sleep well sweetie" I said as I peak his forehead and got up and went in the kitchen to do the dishes, can't give that work to Join he has already broke two sets. I was singing while doing the dishes. All of a sudden I felt a grip on my waist. "Sorry I woke you up" I said "it's ok, you know you sing well" he said "yea I know that and you know you rap well" I said "and we don't talk about those days" he said keeping his head on my shoulder. "Fine, but I love your rapping skills" I said as I kept the bowl on the tray "thank you" he said "now if you excuse me, I have work to be completed" I said "no stay with me" he said "and why it's not like you did my work?" I asked him as I turn and face him "well. . . . I actually did it" he said "that's why you didn't sleep well" I said as I pinched his nose and he just laughed "love you" I said "love you too"
And as I told this will be the last one after this I will not write any fic. Until this peanut sized brain of mine come up with something.

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