░ Chapter 18 ░

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Namjoon's pov

we got in car and this time I didn't drive it was Yoongi hyung drived but that was way far from our concern cause we had a lot to take care right now. The was a dead silence in the car only the sound of keyboard was heard of taehyung who was constantly trying to track Y/n or more like her phone but failing like hell every time. Even tho we knew where she is we can't help but double check on the spot cause this is the mafias we are dealing with they are sneaky and quite like hell. We can't take any chance against this, if anything happens to Y/n we won't be able to forgive ourselves.


It took us a good 7 hours to reach where we had to. But the funny thing was that we were not even close to where we have to reach. "HYUNG STOP THE CAR!!" Tae shouted "Have you gone mad Tae?!!" Yoongi shouted back "I SAID STOP THE CAR TAKE A U TURN RIGHT NOW!!" Tae shouted once again "HAVE YOU GONE MAD TAE WE CAN'T WE ARE ABOUT TO REACH!!" Yoongi hyung shouted losing his chills "Calm down you two, your blood pressure will go up, and Tae what is it?!" I asked him and he showed me his laptop on his screen I saw that the signal were skipping it went to Moscow then then to India to China then to Japan and then to south korea and on and on and it kept going "HYUNG THE SIGNAL ARE SKIPPING PLEASE STOP THE CAR!!" this time shouted and he stopped the car and there was a dead silence.

"her phone. . . . ."

Jimin said as we look at him in pure disbelieve "we can't jimin her phone is probably switched off" I said "Jimin you thinking what I am thinking" Tae said all of us me, jungkook and yoongi hyung look at Jimin and Tae who were making eye contact and then nodded "can you guys speak anything" and then they nodded a no soon Tae started to type something on his laptop and after a long silence they finally spoke. "found her" Tae said as Jimin smirked and all of us were in utter confusion and then it clicked me.

"you guys did not just did that" I said "well. . . . we did it anyways" Jimin said "you see the black car behind us. it has been there from start. It is the one we saw last time at club, the one at the apartment and even in front of our house" Tae said "and on the day Y/n got kidnapped" Jimin said "looks like we are killing some people" Jungkook said as he removed his gun "not so fast Guk. Wait until we are conformed where she is" Tae said "OK STOB WITH THE HUNCHES AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL YOU DID?!!" now yoongi hyung really lose his chills "we tracked her phone which is still switched off" Tae said and Yoongi hyung was like

 Wait until we are conformed where she is" Tae said "OK STOB WITH THE HUNCHES AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL YOU DID?!!" now yoongi hyung really lose his chills "we tracked her phone which is still switched off" Tae said and Yoongi hyung was like

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"We have a tracer in our phones even if our phones are switched off it works. It is not at all strong because the phone is switched off but it is tells us in where the phone is I mean like if it is Busan it will show that it is in South Korea. Same goes for this and according to this the phone is still in the same place where we are so. . . . " Tae said "now we play the waiting game" Tae and Jimin said at the same time "but what about that car?" Jungkook asked "go kill them" Tae said "NO D O N' T" I said "he was the one following us and he will only take us back to where Y/n is" Tae said "no I mean if we kill him those people will come to know that we know that they know that we know" I said and all of them were like

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