░ Chapter 8 ░

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Jimins pov

It has been a week I and Tae didn't saw Y/n now I think that sending her with MR. Egg was a bad idea. I thought it would be helpful but both me and Tae miss her like heck. In my whole life I never wanted to hug someone this bad like I wanted to hug Y/n now but we can't. Currently I was working on the case and helping Tae with it.

My poor Tae even refuses to eat or even drink and I ain't surprise cause he is in his 'HACKER' mode so he won't listen to me, only Y/n can handle the hacker tae, cause he is not a joke and Y/n not being here is making it worse.

As I was working the doorbell rang as I got up and opened the door and saw. . . .

Y/n's POV

It has been a week I didn't saw my babies. I have been working like anything and was just tracking all the people down, I am not too great but yea I had help with me Namjoon was a all rounder I can saw. His hacking skill was great, his brain worked at the speed of light and his shooting. . . . BISH DON'T ASK HE IS BETTER THAN ME! I mean holy.

As I was working there was a knock on my door as I turn around I saw Namjoon all dressed up. "are you going on a date or something?" I asked him "what? no I came to tell we are going out" he said "care to share where?" I asked him and he just gave me a 'come one you know it' look and I came to know where we were going.Without wasting any minute I got in the car and so did Namjoon and we drive at where we had to go.

After like 1 hour we were at the place I was dying to come. I rang the doorbell and soon the door opened and I saw a surprised Jimin about to scream but I stop him. I had to surprise tae.

"Y/n!! why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Jimin asked "I came to know today only I was coming here, thanks to Namjoon" I said as I look back at Namjoon and he just smiled "Thank you hyung" Jimin said "well this is the least I could do so yea" he said as we went in "now where is my baby tiger?" I asked Jimin "he is where he has to be" He said as he pointed towards a door and went in and saw Tae sitting on a chair and as usual his look was still the same. Messy hair, round glasses and a face which looked like he is functioning on coffee. I got near him and tapped his shoulder "jimin hyung please go I am not hungry" he said "hi not hungry" I said and it didn't even took him second to turn with eyes winded "I am Y/n" I said as I smile and ran out and he came chasing behind me and we ended up in the living room as Jimin hyung jumped on me and so did tae making all the three of us fall on the wooden floor hard.

We hug each other and cry, not because we were sad cause we were happy, it felt so good to be in there arms "ahem" we heard and turned and aw namjoon looking at us, before he could say anything Tae pulled him in our group hug and all of us squash each other in the hug.

After like 20 minutes we broke the hug. Before I could stand up tae pulled me and kissed my cheeks and so did Jimin "AISH STOP HAHA IT TICKLES!!" I shouted at them.

Namjoons pov

I got up from the hug and saw Y/n receiving a lot of kisses on her cheeks from his hyungs. She really was a dear one "AISH STOP HAHA IT TICKLES!!" she shouted and they stop and she also gave them kisses on their cheeks " I am so happy to see you" Jimin said "yes we missed you a lot but would have at least told us" Tae said "I myself came to know in the morning, say thanks to Namjoon hyung he brought me here" I said "Thank you hyung for bringing her here close to us" Tae said "yea we missed her like hell. One more day without her and I would have came running there at your place" Jimin said as I as well sat down besides them "awww I also missed you a lot" Y/n said "yup she was not even eating properly, she didn't even came out of her room" I said and there was a dead silence. "I told her to come and eat with me but she always refused" I said "there was no need to tell this" Y/n said "well if you weren't eating that means. . . " Jimin said "WE WILL ORDER SOMETHING!!!" Tae said "yup so what should we order?" Y/n asked "pizza?" I said "good idea, Imma go order some" Jimin said "I will set the table" Tae said "I shall pick a movie and Namjoon you go with Tae and help him" Y/n said "ok. . ." I said and I went behind Tae.

As me and tae were taking plates tae called me "Hyung. . ." "yes?" I said "do you like to live with Y/n? I mean is she fun?" He asked me "yes why do you ask you have been living with her for like 10 to 11 years right?" I said "yes I have but. . . . I don't think that after this case we would be able to live with each other" he said as he hung his head low "what do you mean Tae?" I asked him "I mean after this case we may have to leave each other and start our life without each other. I mean not that we want to leave but we have our families. . . but Y/n she doesn't have anyone except us. Jimin hyung and me are all she has now, she has lost a lot of people in her life and it was hard for her to overcome that. . . . . . I am just scared the this will happen again and she won't be able to handle the pain. She always gets depressed when she think of those kind of things" he said as he kept the plates "I am just worried about her, and before any of this happens me and Jimin hyung want her to find someone who will take care of her. She has suffered a lot and we don't want her to suffer more, it will break her completely and us as will. We want to leave her without giving her any kind of pain, we don't want her to cry when the time comes. It will make us hard to leave her." He said as he sat down "and why are you telling this to me?" I asked him, not in a rude way of course Y/n told me how sensitive Tae is so I try to sound more simple than rude with him "because I saw how she is with you, not only me even Jimin hyung saw it. She was never this comfortable with anyone except us in her whole life. She was happy with you and it made both me and Jimin lose a lot of worry" he said "how should I even thank you hyung?" he said "there is no need for that and she i just being herself nothing else. She doesn't really like me like she likes you, which explains the way she fights with me and bicker with me like each and every second" I said "WAIT- SHE BICKERS WITH YOU?!!" he said "yes a lot like not even a single day is left that she didn't fight with me" I said "that is her way to show she likes you. She is rude from out but once you know her she is chill" he said "yea she is" I said.

Soon after our little not so little talk Jimin walked in "Pizza will come in a while, they had seaweed flavoured french fries so I even got that" he said and I heard someone shout "DID YOU JUST SAID SEAWEED FLAVOURED FRENCH FRIES?!!" Y/n shouted and we heard footsteps and there came Y/n running and trips over air and falls "ouch!" She says and then not even a second later she stands up and sat beside me. "Don't you get hurt or something?" I asked her I mean she fell pretty hard "nope I am fine" she said "yup this comes in her daily routine" Jimin said.

"Anyways which movie will we watch?" Y/n said and there was a dead silence "How about horror?" Tae said and both Jimin and Y/n's eyes winded like about to come out. "Jimin from which direction did the sun rise today?" She asked "till then I know it was East only" He said "whats the matter?" Tae ask "we know you more that your parents know you! you and horror bro you ok?" Y/n asked "I just wanted to watch a horror. . . .I mean it's ok if you guys don-" he got cut off "OK WE WILL WATCH A HORROR MOVIE!!" Both Jimin and Y/n said at the same time as Y/n choose a movie to watch but didn't start to just cause the pizza didn't came.


Y/n pov
"AHHHH" I scream as a scary part came. I was too lost to even care on whom I was jumping but I shrug it off. After a while one another scary part came and this time I was on his lap and a bit too scared to even look at anyone. "Y/n you better stop moving on my lap" I look up and saw on whose lap was I sitting and it was Namjoon. As I saw him I blushed like hell but then one another scary part came and I jump once again, this time warping my hands around his neck and burying my face in his chest, I would be crazy if I told he wasn't comfortable to sit and hold on. Soon when we were watching the movie I started to feel sleepy and I slept on Namjoon's lap itself.


Hello my readers ladies and germs. . . . It has been a while

I don't have any thing to say so good bey ☺️

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