░ Chapter 19 ░

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Y/n's POV
I woke up but I was not in the car I was in the middle of my babies. And as usual our position was still the same. Tae hugging my waist and Jimin's head in the middle of my both brest and then someone's hand in my belly. I hold it and came to know who it was "morning Y/n" Namjoon said "morning big boi" I said and I saw Jimin and Tae mover a bit then open there eyes and then looked at me and then slept again I saw the time and . . .

"YAH WAKE IT'S 1 IN THE AFTERNOON!!!!" I shouted as all of us fall down. I was on tae in the right side of the bed as I could see jimin was on top of Namjoon on the left side "sorry tae" I said asi got up "it's ok" he said as I help him up and slowly all of us got up and the first thing I did was kiss tae and Jimin on there cheeks and then I saw an angry Namjoon "what happened to you?" I asked him "where is my kiss?" He said "sorry I haven't brushed my teeth" I said as I ran out of the room "come here you LIL-" he said and chased me as I got in our shared room and was about to close the door when Namjoon pushed the door open but I was strong so I as well push the door and like that we push the door and at last I gave up "I can't with you" I said as Namjoon came in and the next thing I know was getting throwed on to the bed and Namjoon on top of me "now it's time for your punishment" he said.

(A/n: you know what comes next 😏😏)

Before he could kiss me I kicked him and went inside the bathroom and shouted "PERVERT" and closed the door.

(A/n: HA you thought I will give you some stuff that you can read at UNHOLY hours nah)

Namjoons POV
'this girl' I thought to myself and smiled and shake my head she came out with a toothbrush in her mouth as she signalled me to take my turn. I got inside the bathroom as she followed me and brushing her teeth. She finished brushing her teeth and was about to move out when I caught her and hold her tight "ahh joon let me go. I have to make breakfast" I didn't answer cause I was still brushing. She stopped struggling and waits for what I have to say more I what I have to do. I finished brushing "now tell me wh-" before she could speak further I kissed the living life out of her and pinned her hands behind her back with my one hand and while other went on her waist. She looked so helpless under me and for some reason I was loving it. I kissed her for a good 5 minutes, and then broke it. She opened her eyes and looked at me panting like hell "that was for not letting me go with you" I said as she slapped my chest "now let me go I have to make breakfast" she said and went out.

Y/n pov
I went downstairs and in the kitchen just to be met by Yoongi hyung "good morning hyung" I said as he turned around his eyes were close and he was crying "yes. . . . Oh good morning mouse" he said "are you cutting onions?" I asked "yes, I am making breakfast because that terror bunny woke up hungry and then even woke me up" he said "wow hyung never thought you can cook" I said as I went and stand beside him "I can cook pretty good, before I got this job I used to work at a restaurant and cook. Not frequently but yea I cooked, but usually washed dishes. Why are you here?" He asked me "oh I was going to cook breakfast but looks like you have done it already" I said "GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!!!" Jimin and Tae came like the exciting kids they are and followed by a lazy Namjoon behind "aish stop shouting kids" yoongi hyung said "morning lads" Jungkook said as he came out of his room "good afternoon everyone" Namjoon said and there was a silence and then all of us started laughing.

We sat down on the table and started eating and all of a sudden Tae got a call "who is it?" I asked "who else it could be. Director nim" he said and picked the phone

(On phone)
Director: good afternoon everyone

All: good afternoon

Director: I see what you did. A case which I was not able to solve in 7 years you did it in 7 days.

Yoongi: we are still clueless of what is there in the case but anyways good. I can finally breath in peace.

Y/n: me getting kidnapped and solving the case is not a bad idea.

Namjoon: and this should not happen again you nearly gave me a heart Attack.

Taehyung: me too.

Jimin: me three

Jungkook: me four

Director: anyways there is are two good news and two bad news which one first

Y/n: bad one please

Director: ok so bad news is that you will not stay together, and have to part ways.

Y/n:. . .

Jimin:. . .

Taehyung:. . . .

Director: good news is that the case is solved and. . .

Y/n, tae, jimin: and?

Director: YOU WILL WORK IN THE SAME CATAGORY AND SOLVE ALL THE CASE. Just that you will be divided into teams that you will be informed when you come here. And you two yoongi and Jungkook. You two as well will come back.


Director: yea yea now go I have work to be completed

(Call ends)

I got up and hugged the two of them I mean Jimin and Taehyung "I am so happy" I said "me too" Tae said "I don't have to worry, you will be with us only right infront of our eyes" he said "yes hyung" I said "ahem I take a good care of her" Namjoon said clearly jeloused "I know that hyung she look happy when she is with you" Jimin said "ofcourse I am I love him" I said and soon realised what I said "YOU AND NAMJOON ARE TOGETHER?!!!" Jungkook shouted "and you came to know now" I said "yes just now" he said.

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