░ Chapter 13 ░

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Namjoons POV
I was still in there but I heard a lot of gunshot some. I was shot and as if that was less some people even cought me and beat the hell out of me. But I was strong so I ran from there.
I got out and went in my car and saw myself I had a lot of wounds on myself like my left cheek had a blue mark and because of those bullets my jacket was ripped and blood was there and my hands, I even got a cut on my lip and I had got a blood running down my forehead cause they hit me in my head as well.

I went back to the place and as I opened the door I saw Y/n at the edged of crying, tae was already crying and Jimin looked like his soul left his body "guys. . . You ok?" I asked and what happened next was something I didn't expected.

Y/n pov
It had been two hours after I came home and Namjoon was still not here. I was getting worried, I felt like something was gotten ripped away from me. In my whole life I didn't felt this way. Taehyung was already crying a whole river and Jimin looked worried like hell. As all of us were too engraved in our own thoughts we didn't notice someones presence "guys. . . . You ok?" I looked up and saw Namjoon with blood on his face as I ran towards him and grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks, and then hugged the life out of him "you scared me" as I said the I felt two pairs of arm on my hips and he pulled me closer to him.

"NAMJOON AH!!!" Tae and Jimin hyung shouted and jumped on both of us "you scared the poop out of us" tae said "yes next time we all stick together" jimin hyung said "ouch get off of me I have to treat my wounds first then you all can hug me all you want" he said as we broke the hug as I hold his big hands in my small one "no need I will do it for you" I said as I looked at him "O-O-OK" he stuttered and blushed "I will go and cook something tae come help me" jimin hyung said as he dragged tae with him and I dragged Namjoon to our room and then to the bathroom.

I sat him on the stool which was there in the bathroom and took out the first aid box out of the cabinet. I went towards him and was about to remove his jacket "you know it's ok I ca-" I cut him off as I placed my index finger on his lips "shhhhhh let me do" I said and I saw him gulp down his own Saliva.

I removed his jacket and boom the shirt he was wearing was soaked in his sweat, his sleeves looked like they were about to rip "stop drooling" he said as I got up and hold his arm and trace the wound he got "you have to remove your shirt I guess" I said "no I won't" he said "fine then I will remove it for you daddy" I said as I got on his lap and started to unbutton his shirt to my surprise he pulled me closer to him by my hips and this time I was blushing like hell. His hands traveled from my hips to my waist "you think you scare me" he said as I was still unbuttoning his shirt "well the answer is no. Now get off of me you are too slow" he said as I got up. He stood up and unbuttoned his shirt and he turned around and removed it carefully not hurting himself. And my eyes got blessed as he sat down "now you can do what so ever you want" he said as I went near to him and kneel down and took his arm in my hand and saw the wound "well not too deep good for you. At first it looked like I have to stich it but it looks fine" I said as I search for cotton bit it wasn't there "wait here I will bring the cotton" I said as I got up and went outside and got some cotton from out drawer and went back in the bathroom.

I sat infront of Namjoon down on the floor and got some water in a cup and took some cotton and dipped it in water and removed wipped all the blood from his arm, his shoulders which must have dripped, then from his head and then his lips I dabbed the cotton as lightly as possible that it doesn't pain, I took some cream and applied it on his head where he got hurt and then at his lips, his lips were soft so I got extra careful. Then my eyes went on the other sid of his head and saw he had a scar over there "Damn Joon you got hurt a lot on you head and arm" I said "yup I did got but it feels good to get treated like this" he said and then I applied a little band aid on that scar.

I picked up a tool which is used to get out some glass from skin. I pulled the glass pieces out if his arm which he had "OUCH!!" He shouted "aish stop shouting it is just a small piece of glass" I said "it hurts you know" he said "yes it hurts me to see my best friend hurt as well" I said without my knowledge "what did you say?" He said "what? You want me be something else" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows "I mean I don't mind you know" he said "quit the flirting I am not going to come in your hands understand that much" I said as I press harder "AHH OK OK. I UNDERSTOOD STOP IT THAT HURTS!!" he shouted "you are too weak for you own good like how?" I said as I giggled as I looked up and saw him looking down at me more like staring at me "is there something on my face?" I asked he moves his hands on my cheeks and wipped something off it and showed it. Turns out it was his blood "now give your foot it is all swollen" I say "no need I can walk" he said as he stood up but lost his balance and falls on top of me I closed my eyes tight I opened my eyes and saw him on top of me this time a bit too close for my heart to handle.
He leans down but stops as he stands up and helped me up "I-I-I A-A-AM S-S-SO S-S-SORRY" he said as he looked down and rubbed the back of his neck but my eyes were somewhere else I mean his body was too much "y/n I said it earlier and I am saying again s t o p d r o o l i n g" he said "YAH! NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU HAVE SUCH A GOOD BODY WITH ABS AND STUFF!!" I said "AND NOT MY FAULT THAT THOSE PEOPLE THOUGHT THAT IT WAS GOOD TO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME AND SHOT ME!!" He shouted "AND WHO TOLD YOU TO STAY THERE FOR THA-" I was cut off by a pair of lips got smashed against mine, as he pulled away with in no time "good now it you don't mind I have to take my shower so go out" he said as pushed me out. I sat on the bed and touched my lips as I blushed like hell. I ran out of the room downstairs "y/n where are you going?" Taehyung shouted but I just ran out of the house and ran and ran until I was all alone.

"I don't love him"
"I hate him!!"
"I can't love him!!"
"I don't deserve him he is too good for me!!!"

I ran until I didn't know where I was. I didn't stop walking I went on the road. All type of emotions coming out of my eyes. One part of me was happy but one was saying that it is wrong. 'he doesn't like me right?' I said to myself and saw up the night sky. I looked around myself and saw nothing but trees, for some reason I liked it, it was peaceful and relaxing. Then I saw moon

"Dear don't forget me dear. Just look up the sky and look at the moon and I will be there for you"

"Mom. . . Why did you and dad had to go like this?" I asked as I look up the sky tears escape from my eyes as I kneel down and cry my heart out. For no reason "why is it so confusing?? Why am I like this?!!" I shouted my lungs out.

I know that every one will leave me Jimin and Tae will go on there own way and have a good family with there future wife, Namjoon will also leave because I know he doesn't care about us. And I will be left alone just by myself. I sat on the ground and just look up at the sky "they will leave me just like you did right?" I said as I saw the moon. All of a sudden I felt someone hugging me from back I didn't care who it was but the arms were a bit too familiar for me to push them away. They had the warmth which I had been craving for his above me knows how long. They felt safe and made me feel secured

"I will never leave you where I go I shall take you with me"

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