░ Chapter 9 ░

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Jimin's pov

"Aish" the movie just got over as. I cracked all my bones and I look besides me and Tae knocking the hell out of him, he was sleeping and then I look over to Y/n and my eyes winded as I saw her sitting on Namjoons lap and she was SLEEPING and then I saw Namjoon and he was also sleeping while hugging her. I took my phone and took a picture of them, might come in handy ;) you know for the thing known as blackmail, I took the picture and saw them sleeping like that, for some reason I felt a bit relieved, may be because Y/n is getting close with Mr. Egg. He seems nice after all not that bad. He took care of Y/n and even bought her here with him and that to alone on his own risk. At least she won't be all alone when the time comes, but I hope that time never comes and we stay together forever like a good and clumsy family we are. After a while even I fall asleep while hugging my tae bear.

Y/n's pov

I was woken up by our doors sound. As I opened my eyes I saw where I was sleeping. . . .I would have screamed real bad but then I remembered the door. I got off of namjoons lap and walked at the living rooms door frame with the vase in my hand ready to knock the shit out of who so ever broke into.

I peeped out my head and saw someone in all black he even had a mask and his back was facing me. He saw me and I got back in. I heard footsteps approaching closer and closer and as I saw him I smashed the vase on his head and he fainted on spot and all of them woke up.
"Y/n!! What happened?!!" Namjoon said more like shouted.

Namjoons pov
I heard the sound of glass breaking and woke up intently and saw that Y/n had hit someone on his head with the vase and her hands were covered in a bit of blood "Y/n!! What happened?!" Without wasting any time I got up and check on her if she was ok and took her hands in mind. "Mmmm what happened?~" tae woke up and said and so did Jimin at the same time and there was a dead silence.
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"Y/N!! OH MY HOLY JESUS WHAT HAPPENED?!" jimin said more like shouted and came to us "OH MAN HOLE SHIT!! Y/N WHO DID THIS AND WHO IS THIS MAN ON THE FLOOR?!!" Tae asked "he broke in so. . . You see what I did here 😅" she said "and I am just fine a bit of glass went in my hand nothing else you guys calm down. I am not dying over here!" She said and was about to get up but lost her balance and falls on top of jimin and me "aish what out kid there is glass on the floor!" Tae said as he helped all of us up. Have to say he was pretty stronger that he looked.
"What will we do with him?" I asked "I don't know. . . .wake him up I guess" Y/n said "what if he has came to kill us?" I asked "then we might as well kill him simple" Tae said "not 'we' I will kill him" Y/n said "as you wish but we have to wake him up" I said "wait check if he has any kind of tracking device on his body of something" I said because better safe than sorry "yes but let's tie him in the basement of this apartment" Tae said "well you do know that there are cctv camera installed like EVERYWHERE in the building" jimin said "well I know how to hack it for a while you know" tae said with a smirk and boi I would have dated this man if I were a girl "then what are you waiting for. . . . . . . ." Y/n said and then both Jimin and tae looked at her and all f them shouted "CHRISTMAS?!" they said and laughed

"well if you don't mind we have to take this body at the basement" I said "yes we have been told now get out of my way" Y/n said and without any kind of effort she PICKED UP THAT MAN AND THROWED HIM ON HER SHOULDER and I was like

"well if you don't mind we have to take this body at the basement" I said "yes we have been told now get out of my way" Y/n said and without any kind of effort she PICKED UP THAT MAN AND THROWED HIM ON HER SHOULDER and I was like

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