░ Chapter 5 ░

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Y/n's pov

"Well. . . . I am just worried" I said in a low voice "just trust and tell what's the matter" Jimin hyung said "I can't say worries nor am I confused and nor am I scared. I am not able to sort out my feelings, and every things looks so messed up, I mean I an not able to figure out that if I am sad or I am happy" I said "are you on your periods?" Jimin hyung said "WHAT? NO! I am not, if I was both of you would be in your grave" I said "that's true" he said "It is confusing. You know how I told that I am not feeling good about that Namjoon guy?" I said "yes and what about that?" he said "well I don't like him but I am not able to get him out of my mind like, even while cooking I was thinking about him, for no actual reason, I mean yes he looks hot and thing but, I don't like him, yet I was thinking about him! It is confusing very confusing" I said and he started laughing "Yah! what is so funny?!" I asked "well if you are thinking about him for no particular reason that is known as love at first site my little sis" and now I was really confused like say what? "Hold up! wait a minute something ain't right! Me and love? that to with that egg looking face?" I said "yup" he said "look I am a rock, I don't do feeling, I am potato there is no chance he will like me, and why on this earth will I like him, I hate him!!" I said.

Jimin hyung sighed "1. Yes you are in love 2. you like eggs 3. you are not a rock and 4. you are not a potato you are pretty 5. you don't hate him, you are just scared and you have fixed that in your mind that you don't like him. That's all" he said "but-" I was cut off by him "look not today maybe tomorrow we have to part way, and you know that and so does Tae. Yes it is hard like hell but, I and Tae have our own family, our parents not that we will leave you but maybe we have to and I hate to say that. And before anything like that happen I want you to find someone, I hate to see you in tears or even sad like you are now, I know you hate him but just give universe some time who knows he is the one?" He said "But what about you hyung, you are still single and so is Tae" I said with a pout "well I will find someone soon don't worry, and about Tae. . . . . .
I shall leave his love life to him only, he will find a way out he always has with that small not so small brain of his, don't worry about us, and just do what your heart says cause that will lead you to the one." he said as he stood up and he was about to walk but turned "and always remember, Universe will never give you what you want but it will always give you what you need." He said and left, and I just sat there.

[THE NEXT MORNING in SpongeBob SquarePants style]

I woke up and opened my eye as I felt strong arms holding me by my waist and I saw, Jimin whose face was in the middle of my breast and Tae who was hugging me. It was normal for us to wake up in this position so I didn't bother much but then I saw the clock and

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"AHHH IT'S 8:00 AM!! WAKE UP WE ARE LATE!!!!!" I shouted and both of them woke up "stop shouting" jimin hyung said as I showed him the clock and "TAEHYUNG AHH, WAKE UP!!" He shouted but Tae was a heavy sleeper he won't wake up like that, and then I got an idea "TAEHYUNG AHH WAKE UP SOMEONE BROKE IN AND TOOK ALL YOU GUCCI CLOTHES!!" I said and "WHAT!!!? WHO-" before he could say anything I showed him the clock as he got up and ran to his room and so did Jimin hyung and me. All of us got ready and opened or room doors at the same time and ran to the car and at full speed we reached our office.

We got into the office and saw that the elevator wasn't working so we took the steps and ran all the way up. At the time we reached all of us were panting like we ran a marathon which we did. We entered in my room and saw another desk I read the name on it 'Namjoon Kim' it read but he wasn't here I took my seat and so did the other two as I go through the files which was with me. After a while Namjoon came he looked a bit good like he finally got some rest, he came and sat at his desk and not much later our Manager called all of us.
I knocked on the door "come in" was heard as all the four of us went in and bowed. "Oh hello my secret detective squad. Long time no see" he said "yes sir, my apology we had a lot of small cases to handle" Jimin hyung said "yea yea I know, but this time we have to send you guys at a different place or this is what we can do for your safety" he said as all the four or us look at each other "what do you mean by 'a different place' sir? Namjoon asked "exactly the attack happened here and is going to be solved here" I said in a firm voice "not until you know who that bastard is?" He said "looks like the terrorist were not from North, they were from somewhere else" he said "wait- The fuck did you just said?!!" Jimin, Taehyung, me and Namjoon said at the same time. All of us had the same look which said 'THIS IS NOT IN THE PLAN!!' all of us were in utter confusion, cause not even one of us, I don't know about Namjoon but at least no one of us from me, Jimin and Taehyung have gone out of korea and it was new and shocking as well.

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