░ Chapter 10 ░

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Y/n's pov

As I was done explaining to Namjoon Jimin came in "you guys don- YOU KILLED HIM?!" Jimin hyung shouted "he had a tracker in his body and he was just cutting time, playing around with me." I said "in that case you did a good job" Jimin said "lets lock this and go up" I said as I cleaned the gun with the hem of my shirt "what about the body" Namjoon said "well chin looks like we have to tell the terror bunny to come I guess" I said as I smirked "OH HELL NO WE AREN'T CALLING THAT BUNNY BOI!!" Jimin hyung said as all of us got out of that room and then locked the door ofcourse.

We went into the apartment it was already getting dark cause we woke up at around 7:00 pm and now it was around 8:00 pm. As we got in we were attacked by a big hug by tae the bear "you guys are safe" he said "yes we are" jimin said "what was going to happen to us? Huh? Got scared for no reason" I said as I looked at Namjoon staring at us with a warm look. I pulled him by his coat and he ended up with us in the hug "you didn't had to" he said "shut up" tae, jimin and I said at the same time "you are also a part of our little family so shus!" Tae said "yup from now on you will live with us and I bet you will have a lot of fun" I said.

No too long after we got a call from our Director nim Jimin picked the call and kept it on speaker.
(On phone)
Director: hello my agent's

All of us: hello sir

Director: well I came to know what you did. All thanks to tae.

Taehyung: I am not that special

Director: anyways as you guys have already started to kill everyone you guys will no longer stay the way you are right now. You all will stay together in one place and help each other and as you may know jungkook will help you with all the weapon work.

Jimin: OH NO~

Taehyung: OH YES!

Y/n: was bound to happen

Namjoon: who is this Jungkook?

Director: you will know and will love that boy. He is a big fanboy of you

Namjoon: ok?

Director: I will allot someone who will take all you belonging to the new house you guys take the car and leave right away, and Y/n you know how Jungkook looks right?

Y/n: yes I do how can I forget that banana milk sucking, baby looking, muscle pig?

Director: yes now leave and take care.

All of us: yes sir!
(Call ends)

"Now if you don't mind shall we go?" Namjoon said "yup" I said as all of us stood up and were about to go out "where are we even going?" Jimin hyung asked and all of us froze on our place and there was a ping in Tae's laptop "we are going to live out of the city in a palace kind of thing" tae said as he read the adress and showed us the photo of the place.

(A/n: hehehe I will show you the house when thay reach there)

Namjoons pov

We got in my car, we were told that our belongings would be taken care but Tae and Jimin still took some of their clothes some were perfect fit but some were oversized which I didn't understand why. As I got in the car I went to the driver seat as Y/n, Tae and Jimin squeeze on the behind seat. I didn't mind to ask as I turn the navigation system on and it leads us where we have to go and it was not close it like a good 150km away from where we are now as I sigh and started the engine.

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