░ Chapter 11░

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Jimin's pov

"we are not forcing her in this right?" as he said that my brain stopped working. Tae was never the type to be serious but when he was, it has to be something serious. "I don't know tae. I don't know" I said and there was silence in the car once again. He was right, maybe we were forcing her into this and this was not at all ok. I look back as I saw her all cuddled up sleeping with Namjoon. It was the first time that she was so comfortable with someone who was not me or Tae. She would have chicken out when it comes to meet new people but Namjoon, it was a whole different case like she was having a bad vibe about but Namjoon proved all of them wrong within just a week. And this was wrong.

Y/n's sixth sense was no joke cause if she says that she has a bad feeling something bad has always happened, if she says she is in a good mood something good always happens. But with Namjoon she was proven wrong in all the ways. I saw her with him and for some odd reason I always felt good of her being with him. Maybe this was bound to happen I guess.

"hyung, whenever I see Y/n with Namjoon I feel good, like. . . . . . you always say that some things are bound to happen right?" Tae said "yes Tae I do say and what about that?" I asked Tae "well what if this was also bound to happen? I mean look at these two they became so close in no time, she looked happy when she was with him" Tae said "yup she did but then again I can't say anything-" I was cut off by Tae saying "HYUNG WE REACHED!!" he said as I stop the car and look out of the window and saw a big house . . . . .

(Imagine that it is a dark like at night you know)

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(Imagine that it is a dark like at night you know)

I got out of the car and so did Tae and both of us crack our bones at the same time as we look at each other and laugh. Soon I opened the dicky of the car and took out two bags out and as I wa about to walk Tae stopped me and pointed at the back seat of the car "what should we do about them?" Tae asked and I just smirked "do one thing wake Namjoon up and tell him that you will take her inside then see what happens" I said as my smirk grew wider "I like the way you are thinking" Tae said as he also smirked. I took one bag and went to the door. As tae went to wake Namjoon up.

Taehyungs pov

I went and opened the door of back seat and wake Namjoon up "Namjoon hyung wake up! wake up!" I said as he opened his eyes and said "I am up" "we are here you take this bag I will take Y/n" I said as I smirked mentally. "No need I will take Y/n you take the bag" he said as I just shrugged my shoulder and picked the bag and went inside the house.

Namjoons pov

As Tae went inside I looked at the house which looked good. I look over to Y/n who was sleeping peacefully. I picked her up in bridal style and closed the door of the car, trying my best not to make noise.
I got inside the house with Y/n in my arms, and I saw Jimin and Tae looking over to me and then smirked just what were they thinking?!!
"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked them "nothing" Tae said "just nothing" jimin said and both of them smiled like ☺️ this. "Anyways where are we sleeping?" I asked them "we have two bedrooms and one kitchen one hall so as we are four. . . .I, Y/n and Tae will be in one room and you go in other room" he said "it should be two in one room not three in one room" I said "them. . . . . You and Y/n go in one room me and tae will go in another room and one more thing" he said "that room has only one bed" he said as he and tae ran to there room. Kids these days. I then walked to our room and places Y/n on the bed. "Now where should I sleep. . . . . . I am not even sleepy anymore" I said to myself and then my eyes went to Y/n sleeping peacefully.

For some reason I felt my heart racing like I ran a marathon, l soon looked away and calmed myself down. ' I don't like her? Or do I?' there was only one way to find out to tell her which I was not going to do. I am too young to die ☺️. I got downstairs to explore the house I mean this house is big so I thought why not, it has a lot of different room or that is what I saw in the house map when we saw the house in Tae's laptop. I move around the house and went till the basement and opened the door and BOI I NEVER FELT THIS HAPPY IN MY WHOLE LIFE!! the view was just like. . .

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(a/n: If by any chance I go in heaven I will wish for this guns like just look at these beauty)

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(a/n: If by any chance I go in heaven I will wish for this guns like just look at these beauty)

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHOM I DON'T BELIEVE IN WHAT THE BLOODY FUCKING IS THIS HEAVEN?!!" I went into the room and saw all the guns and took them in my hands. Some were heavy and some were lightweight but all of them were gorgeous, beauty, breathtaking and I am at lost of words and then it struck me. 'if there is a room for gus there also has to be a room for knife and swords' I thought to myself and went out of the room to search for the other room but I thought to keep it for tomorrow cause I was getting sleepy but as I turn I saw a red door and me being the curious one opened it and the moment I opened it I closed it. My breath was unstable and my heartbeat went high and got sweaty with in no moment. "Why are these kind of things over here anyways?! Now I get it why the door is red!" I said and then went upstairs in my and Y/n's shared room.

I got in the room without making any type of noise. 'she won't mind if I sleep in the bed with her right?' I asked myself 'Namjoon she slept on your lap ofcourse she won't mind' I said to myself and the slept beside her.

Hello my readers ladies and germs how are you doing. I hope you guys are ok.

Anyways want to know what Namjoon saw in that room? 😏😏 Tell me.

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