░ Chapter 16 ░

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Y/n's POV
"You" I pointed at Jungkook "me?" He said "designed them?" I asked "yes and?" Jungkook said "like with your own hands drew them and made them" I said "yes so?" He said "so? so! SO????? BISH WHAT DID YOU EAT IN YOUR CHILDHOOD THAT YOU HAVE THIS MUCH TALENT!!!" I shouted as Namjoon cought me "calm down, calm down he worked hard on these guns" he said "I know I mean I am in love with these guns" I said "anyways let me give you your guns" he said as he took a gun and gave it to me "this beauty is all yours" he said

Y/n's POV"You" I pointed at Jungkook "me?" He said "designed them?" I asked "yes and?" Jungkook said "like with your own hands drew them and made them" I said "yes so?" He said "so? so! SO????? BISH WHAT DID YOU EAT IN YOUR CHILDHOOD THAT YOU HAVE...

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"Damn Guk you even got a dagger with it" I said "yes cause I know you have an 'unhealthy' obsession with them" he said "yes I do" he took one other bag and gave it to Jimin hyung "open it" he said in a seductive voice "y-y-yes" jimin hyung said and opened it.

"Damn Guk you even got a dagger with it" I said "yes cause I know you have an 'unhealthy' obsession with them" he said "yes I do" he took one other bag and gave it to Jimin hyung "open it" he said in a seductive voice "y-y-yes" jimin hyung said an...

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"They are light weight and made specifically for you. The shooting range it good and makes no noise when you shoot" He said yet in a seductive voice "t-t-thank y-you I-I-I l-love i-it" he said while stuttering "I made it just for you babyboy" he said and smirked and then got other bag but a bit bigger than the last one and gave it to Taehyung. He opened it and took out the gun.

"It has a special grip and I made it more stylish and a bit bigger because you hands are big

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"It has a special grip and I made it more stylish and a bit bigger because you hands are big. It has good range, pure metal and the bullets are special and I have some with me. I changed the bullets structure a bit so you won't find it anywhere in world but me and me only" he said yet again in seductive voice but tae being an innocent bean was not at all effected by that voice and gave his box smile to Jungkook "THANK YOU GUK!!" He said and hugged him "my pleasure hun. Now I still have some weapons left you can take all you want" he said as we started to go through what he had and yes all of these were designed by him only so they were single piece.
"Guk?" I called him "yes" he said "do you still supply weapons to other party. Like the one you design?" I asked him "nope, as I told you. I buy and sell, not make and sell. I only make and design weapons when it is told or else I just buy the guns, renew them and the sell them on a high price. Ofcourse it takes some time to sell them so. . . In the mean time I help yoongi hyung" he said "oh. . . So does yoongi hyung let you help him?" I asked "yes he does, he is good and he is also very calm. . . . And will do his work in peace. Even when I harass him he won't say anything" he said "it is because you are smaller than me and you are my responsibility, director gave you in my hands so you are safe" yoongi hyung said with a poker face "I know that hyung" Jungkook said as we all take some weapons and keep the rest in the bag "you guys are going to take this much only?" He asked "yes, we are detectives not mafia" I said as I chuckled "opp- my bad" he said "so I guess I will go now" Jungkook said "kid . . . . We are staying here with them forget?" Yoongi hyung said and there was a dead silence "oh so where is my room?" He asked "well there are only two room in one Tae and Jimin are staying and in the other on Me and Namjoon are staying-" I got cut off by jimin hyung "wait- there is a room downstairs as well. They can saty there" he said "and you tell this now" I said "I forgot" he said "anyways, I will go and buy some stuff from the super market till then you settle down" I said "ok but you are not going alone I will come with you" Namjoon said "no need I will be back in a bit. And I am going to super market not to fight a war that you are getting this worried" I said "then I might as well show you your room come behind me" Namjoon said "I will go now" I said as I picked my wallet and jacket and went out.
I walked all the way to super market and got in. As I got in I felt eyes on me, I turn around to take a look at my back but all I saw was people buying food and stuff. I shrugged it off and went to the meat section. I was looking through some of the meat when all of a sudden I felt a cloth on my nose and the second thing I know that I fainted.

Namjoons POV
"Where is she?" I ask myself as I roam around the living room jimin, jungkook and Yoongi sitting on the couch looking all worried and Tae. . . . . He was in a corner crying a whole damn ocean I really wanted to join him in the corner, but I can't.It has been 3 hours and Y/n was still not back home. We can't even track her, that damn phone of hers is switched off.

Soon I saw Jimin stand up and walk out "just where do you think you are going?" I asked him "to find my sister, I can't take this anymore" he said but I caught him "LEAVE ME!!" he shouted. I have never seen Jimin this angry. Y/n told me that do not mess with angry Jimin let him do what he want to do, he will apologize later. I leave him as I look down and went back in, and then it struck me "the jacket" I said "what jacket?" Jungkook asked but I ignored him and went to tae and kneel down "Tae. . . " he looked up and rubbed his eyes "y-yes h-hyung" he said "can you track my tracker which was in my jacket" I asked "yes hyung I can" he said and stood up and went to the control room and opened his computer. And with in no time he was done. "Hyung where is this place and what is your jacket doing ther- wait. . . . " he said "you know what I mean" I called Jimin but he picked up.

(on phone)

jimin: WHAT IS IT EGG?!

Namjoon: Jimin calm down I found Y/n

Jimin: I am coming back

Namjoon: you better come fast we have a long way to go

(call ended)

After a bit of waiting we heard the front door open and saw a crying Jimin


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