░ Chapter 15░

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Y/n's POV
I woke up in the morning like all of do but this time after a really long time in the arms of my brother's. Once again tae was hugging me like his life depends on it and Jimin's face was in the middle of my breast and Namjoons leg and arms was wrapped around all three of use securely. I saw all of them moving so maybe they were about to wake up, I moved a bit and saw Tae and Jimin opening there eyes as they sat up and had there early morning identity crisis. Not long after Namjoon woke up "morning kids~" he said "we are not kids!" Tae said and we just laugh for a while "let's get to work shall we?" Namjoon said "we just woke up Joon" I and Jimin said "I know" he said and stood up from bed and so did all of us. As both me and Namjoon went to our room and entered. All of a sudden he pulled me close and hugged me like I was tedy bear, I got a good massage because he squeezed me good "now I feel good" he said as he broke the hug, before he could go any far I pulled him close and kissed his cheeks and he stood there blushing like hell "now even I feel good" I said as I went in the bathroom.

[MANY HOURS LATER SpongeBob SquarePants tone]

As me and Jimin hyung were in the weapon room. Seeing all the weapons more like checking them, as Namjoon was helping Tae in his tracking work and stuff.
"You like Namjoon right?" Jimin hyung asked me "no I don't like him" I said "WHAT?! THEN WHY DID YO-" I cut him off "Cause I love him" I said as I smiled as blush made its way on my cheeks "you scared me for a while" Jimin hyung said "I am sorry but at first I thought he was not a good person and now look, I want to stay with him" I said "I am glad you found someone, I would be less worried now" he said "should I take the big gun-" I was cut off by the door bell. Both me and Jimin hyung went out of the room but Tae had already opened the door and look who it was. . .

"YOONGI HYUNG!!!!!!" all me, Tae and Jimin hyung shouted and jumped on yoongi as his poker face turned into a cute gummy smile face "aish get off of me, you will break my back" he said as we got up from him and helped him up

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"YOONGI HYUNG!!!!!!" all me, Tae and Jimin hyung shouted and jumped on yoongi as his poker face turned into a cute gummy smile face "aish get off of me, you will break my back" he said as we got up from him and helped him up. We saw Namjoon staring at Yoongi hyung for a while "Min Yoong Gi? Right?" He said "wait- NAMJOON WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Yoongi hyung said "Ahh~ hyung you worked with my team in Hongkong while one of them was sick, you came as a replacement right?" Namjoon said "yup you are right" yoongi hyung said "but. . . . Where is Jungkook? He is still with you right?" I asked "yea that kid is hard to handle but I have still kept him alive" yoongi hyung said "then where is he?" Jimin hyung asked in a low voice "he will come in a few hour-" he got cut off by a trucks horn and look who just came out of the car. . .

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