🌸Chapter 3🌸

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Louis, awoken by the ringing of his phone, buzzing aggressively on the wooden bedside table next to him is the reason for his awakening. Which is also unfortunately at exactly 8:05. Around three and a half hours after he fell asleep. Passing out on his soft pillows straight after Niall left for his own room.

The ringing of his phone becoming more and more deafening as time went on until he felt obliged to pick it up. His head aching from stress, lack of sleep, jet lag, and the little bit of alcohol he had consumed. Louis moved a hand down to his stomach as he reached over to his phone, grabbing it, and laying back down on his back in bed. Rubbing his stomach slightly as it grumbled. The last time he had consumed a meal was the croissant on the plane. Which isn't a substantial meal. No wonder his tummy pains him, calling out to be fed. Making Louis feel a little sick.

He did his best to ignore it. Promising himself after he had checked his phone, emails, and any important information he may have missed, he would go down and eat breakfast at the restaurant.

Opening his sleep filled eyes, Louis let them adjust as he accepted the phone call and pulled it to his ear, not checking the caller I.D.

A VERY chipper Irish lad squawked through the phone straight away, probably happy Louis woke up and answered the phone.


''What the fuck do you want Niall I was trying to sleep'', Louis groaned and pressed the speaker button on his iPhone and carelessly let it fall from his hand to the empty space on the bed next to him. Groaning and flinging both bare arms across his face and head, shielding him from the brightness which is morning.

''Ollie and I are heading out for breakfast, gonna walk around a little and try some street food. Want to join?''  Niall asked. Ginger Ollie mumbling something in the background which sounds like route discussions on where they ought to go. Louis wanted to slap Niall for waking him up to ask some stupid question like this. He knows the answer. Yet seems so hopeful one of these days it will change.

''No''. Louis blatantly responded. Niall sighed down the phone and Louis frowned a little under the arms which covered his face. He hates upsetting Niall and not making more memories with him. But its not Louis crowd at all. He hates it, he can't even pretend to enjoy himself and he'd hate to tag along and ruin it for everyone else there, especially Niall. He'd rather his best friend go out without him and enjoy himself then his mood being strangled by Louis sour comments and groans of annoyance.

''And what's your excuse this time hm?'' Niall asked a little salty which Louis winced at. Niall hardly ever got angry with him and when he did it made Louis stomach churn.

''In all honesty Niall I'm just not up for it, I feel sick and I'm exhausted.'' Louis responded truthfully. ''We will do something together while we are here, I promise, okay?'' He added quickly, hoping Niall would lighten up at his poor efforts to compromise.

''Alright mate, the restaurant is open till half nine for breakfast, I'll speak to you later.'' Niall replied. Not as chipper as when he first joined the call, but not angry.

''Bye Nialler''. Louis said and laid still. Niall also saying 'bye' and hanging up the phone. Louis room turning into complete silence. The odd sound came from the distance, soft hoovering of someone cleaning either one of the rooms or the hallway. Every so often a beep of a horn from the city below him.

All motivation for Louis to check emails or touch anything work related now drained from his body after hearing Niall over the phone. Don't get him wrong he isn't envious of the lad. He doesn't wish he could enjoy the same things he does. He is quite content in his own little secluded world. But Louis wish he could do things which Niall LOVES. Niall does so much for him at the office and makes so many sacrifices. He doesn't want their friendship to be one way.

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