🌸Chapter 6🌸

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Louis had sat on the edge of his now messy bed. Sleep filled eyes and messy hair. He had come up to his room after last nights dinner fiasco and passed out almost instantly when he entered his hotel room.

It was almost eight in the morning. Waking up at his usual time everyday as he likes to spend a little time every morning going through work emails and messages from clients or workers. Making sure the building back in London wasn't burning down or anything like that. So here he was. Sitting at the edge of his bed, his feet placed on the seat of the sofa which was positioned at the end of the bed. His knees close to his chest. Phone in hand, scrolling through hundreds of emails which had already been answered by Niall last night. Man, he was a lifesaver sometimes. Honestly, Louis doesn't have to do any of this, Niall's job is to read the emails and reply, only tell Louis if something needs authorising or extra attention. Yet, Louis still wants all the emails on his phone, being able to go through and answer if he pleases... he doesn't like the devolution of power to Niall that much. Makes him feel less important.

Not that Louis is an unimportant person, I mean he's the opposite. Around eighty percent of Britain reply on him for insurance. But his heart lies in his work, and only his work. It's all he has; he doesn't want to pass that off to someone else. He wouldn't have anything left.

While scrolling, too lazy to move to the small desk which also fills him room. His laptop laying on the wooden table too. He's emotionally exhausted from yesterday's social experiment. Slightly glad he left abruptly so harry didn't have time to grab Louis' phone number or any information to ask him about todays adventures. Hoping he can avoid him and get out of today's tourist visits.

He sent a quick text to Niall, thanking him for replying to the emails he was supposed to read last night. Giving credit when credits due. And shuffled from the end of the bed, standing on the sofa, and hopping onto the carpeted floor. Shuffling out of his stuffy bedroom and into the living space of his hotel room... or suite... considering the size of this place. It's basically the same size as a flat. Still staring at his phone, Louis walked over to the sofa and plopped himself down, wriggling a bit to get cosy. Tilting his head up and away form his phone he searches for the remote to the TV.

After moving a pillow or two the remote was found and he pressed ON. A random channel filled the screen, something that wasn't in English but with English subtitles. Louis wasn't really watching the program, mostly for background noise purposes so he didn't really mind the lack of English.

Still on his phone Louis opening Instagram and scrolled through his notifications. Reading some of the comments under his weird posts and laughing at some people that comment about the photo of him and Harry from the museum. Wondering if he is off the market, some completely against the idea that Louis isn't romantically interested in men because 'he doesn't act gay'. Louis ended up blocking the man's comments from under his photo. Just because Louis doesn't walk about in bright coloured outfits, singing Madonna or Lady Gaga any time he gets, and doesn't post about the winner of RuPaul's drag race doesn't mean he can't be gay. Stupid people and their stereotypes. It pisses him off.

Yes, Louis likes men, woman were never his cup of tea. But apparently, he 'can't be gay' because he struts around with a stern face and a business suit. And the more Louis scrolled. Read article after article, comment about his sexuality he gets more and more irritated. He thought it was obvious to people he wasn't interested in women, but then again, Louis hasn't been interested in ANYONE. So, he can't really blame them.

His short temper gets the better of him and Louis ends swiping through his camera roll with a point to prove. Finally reaching the photo he wanted and selecting it on Instagram. Sitting there, keyboard warrior mode on and typing a caption which is unlike anything he usually posts. Pressing send without a second thought.

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