🌸Chapter 7🌸

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Both men had ordered their food a couple minutes ago. Louis had excused himself to the bathroom, leaving Harry to sit at their reserved table twiddling his thumbs. Still upset with Louis shoving him. It wasn't hard, don't get him wrong it didn't hurt, and it was more of a shoulder barge than anything. But it's the fact he did it in the first place which upset Harry. He's confused. Louis Tomlinson confuses him. One minute Louis is letting out a small smile and happy to speak about nonsense with Harry... the next minute he's forcing a stone-cold smirk and gives Harry looks which could kill. He couldn't figure out if the businessman hated him or liked him.

He thought about their interactions. The fact that Louis had stayed so calm after their mini arguments, like when he had to search for Louis at the museum yesterday. He had found the smaller man hunched over sitting on the floor, which was so far opposite of his personality persona. There was more to Louis Tomlinson than he lets on. Like a rubix cube Harry wants to solve. All Harry knew about Louis was what he could easily search up on google, nothing personal about the man, and even when the slightest part of emotional or vulnerability shone through, he wiped it away completely and replaced it with a smirk with saddened eyes. Which was something new Harry had picked up on... the saddened eyes. Always slightly glossy and conflicted when he holds his smirk, making him look more intimidating to the average person, but to Harry, it pulls at his heartstrings. Louis was hurting but trying his hardest to hide it, and when he ran out of stream to hide his vulnerable side, he ran away from his problems, like in the museum, like the park and earlier today while they walked.

Harry was searching deep in the archives of his brain for any sort of detail on the man which held so much of his interest, trying to figure out if there is any indication as to why he is the way he is, replaying every moment and conversation in his head. Only realising something and quickly pulling out his phone from his blazer pocket which was hanging delicately over the back of the restaurant chair.

His coming out post.

Louis had said he had never cared for his 'coming out' moment, he wasn't interested in what outsiders knew or thought bout his sexuality. That he had never cared for it. So why did he do it this morning? Why did Louis feel the need to clarify his sexuality on a business trip to Japan? One, in Harry's opinion, Louis seemed to not be enjoying. What changed?

He logged into Instagram and found Louis' profile instantly, pressing it and looking for the new post, clicking it quick to read the caption he had caused so much drama over.

After reading

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After reading. Harry couldn't even believe it. The photo looked like it had been taking professionally for starters, nit just some random mate of his clicking the photo. Secondly, he was smiling, and a true smile. His hair cut was a little different to the photo though, so it doesn't seem like it was done recently, maybe a couple months ago.

Harry clicked the comments and scanned through them. Most people were congratulating him, or freaking out about his tattoos on his arms, the first time he's exposed that part of him to the rest of the world. Which was also another thing. Louis only wore long sleeved shirts and trousers. The only tattoos exposed were the fading 28 on his fingers. Some diehard fans made conspiracies up about what they could mean... maybe he had a skin condition... maybe he was insecure, and the list goes on and on. But from what Harry had seen of Louis' top half this morning when he opened his hotel room to Louis without a top, he shouldn't have any reason to be insecure. Harry blushed a little at the memory of seeing Louis' body. The exposed skin, how the light from the open windows shone on his back making him sparkle a little. Louis would be the perfect human if there was a definition. Well... almost perfect... Louis' moods and outburst kind of ruined that. He wouldn't of minded if that was just Louis' actual personality. But harry knew it wasn't, it was a mask, a wall to hide behind... that's why Harry found that imperfect. It wasn't the true Louis.

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