🌸Chapter 20🌸

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Louis sniffed a couple times before opening his eyes. Confused when he reached his arm out but felt old empty sheets. What is it with him and Harry never waking up in a bed together? He sat up quick, opening his eyes and scanning around the room. Nothing had been moved but there was no sign of Harry or his clothes which were chucked on the floor last night. Speaking of last night, Louis let it all absorb into his skin. A small smile stretched across his face at the thought of Harry sprawled out across his bed, his hair flopping everywhere, and his muscles flexing under his touch. Last nights had been one of the best things in the world. Knowing Louis got to have Harry in that way, but also allowing himself to let Harry have HIM in that way. Realisation hit him a couple seconds alter with what he was supposed to be searching for... the gorgeous man himself.

Panic washes through the elder man, grabbing his phone on the nightstand, planning to scan the rest of the hotel room before asking Liam downstairs but the small text notification lit up his screen.

From: The Kindest Princess: I'm sorry I had to leave (I did leave a big wet kiss on your forehead) My manager called at half five this morning wanting to see me in her office for final approval on the magazine issue and also the interview section, its going to be boring and I'll be missing you. I'll be back later don't have to much fun without me ;).

Louis smiled down at the message, reading it one more time before touching his forehead where he imagined Harry left a kiss. God he's turned into a big softie, hasn't he?

The name makes Louis smile too, reminding him of the day Harry and Louis took Aiya and Nathan to Disneyland, picking the passes. (Which Louis kept) his Disney villain pass tucked away carefully in his suitcase so he wouldn't lose it. It will be a memory he'd like to keep forever.

At the same time, the date appeared just above Harry's message, making his eyes bulge in fright.


The meeting, the big ass meeting, the soul reason Louis is here right now is twenty-four hours away. With so much prep to plan, people to speak to and also waiting for Max Kingston to arrive to join the Big Ten.

Louis sighs and climbs out of bed, wandering over to the dining room where his laptop lay there waiting for him to start frantically working.

Louis finds an old pair of grey joggers hanging over the back of the sofa, finding a navy hoodie next to it, throwing them on not even bothering if they were clean or not and sat in front of his laptop, opening his phone, and sending a quick message to Niall asking him of he wanted to bring is stuff in here too for them to work together. Once he did that, he opened his laptop, the burning notification of forty unread emails hurt his soul, pressing the oldest one and reading it, waiting for Niall to walk in.


''I brought breakfast up from downstairs too'' Niall called, walking into the door, planting his laptop, two cups of tea and small little brown paper bags which must hold food. Louis hadn't even gotten through ten emails before throwing his head back in annoyance, half of the emails were from staff back home complaining about the whereabouts of Max Kingston former marketing director was.

''How are these idiots working for us'' Louis pointed to his screen with narrow eyes, Niall laughed, sitting down opposite Louis and opened his own laptop.

''I know Max Kingston did a lot back in the office and they're going to be annoyed there isn't any replacement for him, why are they even complaining'' Niall asked again, confused.

''Apparently they 'just want to let me know he hasn't been showing up for work and its highly unprofessional' they're so thick'' Louis scoffed, and Niall laughed. ''I sent out an email to all staff the other night that Mr Kingston would be leaving work immediately and joining us in Japan. The staff sending these bitchy emails obviously ignored my clear instructions to read that goddamn email, who looks unprofessional now?'' His eyes weren't leaving the screen, wanting to remember the name Sally Barns for when he returns, wanting to bring her to his office and ask why she hadn't been reading the important emails sent to him.  IT IS COMPULSORY FOR A REASON. Just wasting his time.

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