🌸Chapter 11🌸

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Louis sat up from the sofa, taking the little harsh warning as a not-so-subtle sign to leave. He wasn't upset or hurt by it though, Harry should really be alone with Manami to talk, both are stressed and agitated and having a random stranger in the house with her probably wasn't the best idea, especially after the gut-wrenching news they both had heard earlier that day.

Louis decided to use the toilet again before he would tell Harry he had been asked to leave. Walking out of the sliding living room doors and into the toilet opposite, closing the door in the process. Turing to the mirror, which was placed on the wall, under it a small delicate sink with a soap pump. Louis washed his hands. He didn't really need to toilet, but after being in that uncomfortable room, just sort of by standing on an argument between them, he needs to refresh himself. Cupping the water and splashing it over his face, feeling the coolness soon sooth his burning skin.

Deep in thought as he was doing so. How could someone so young as Harry deal with that responsibility. I mean Louis went though some difficulties when he was around Harry's age, but it allowed him to build an empire of a company. To him it was worth the pain. But for Harry, the situation is only breaking his empire, knowing all his money goes to his sister, but it still wasn't enough. Harry said earlier he was moving out in the next couple months to lower Manami's bills, but if he did that and bought a home like he said, Harry would be broke, nobody at that age should have to rely solely on himself, and on top of that support a whole other family. He admired him for it though.

And for Manami, following the love of her life, away from her home in England to a new country like Japan, to think she was starting a family with the man her dreams, only to have him run away at the first sight of commitment must have broken her. She gave up everything for him and he left her with nothing. Not even caring that his own children have a roof ever their heads. He commends her for her bravery and willpower to be able to support them, and even looking around their home, you wouldn't have guessed they were short of anything. She did well, and Harry is lucky to have such a strong, will powered woman in his life.

It just makes Louis miss his. But he doesn't want to think about that too much. Family is a sore subject. He doesn't like remembering the bad. But being in a family home, surrounded by a family who are so glued to each other does make him realise there is still a hole in his heart after all these years.

A family.

Yes, Louis considers Niall family, but he means like a proper family, someone to build a home with. And for the last seven years of his life, he didn't think he would ever say that he would crave the feeling of family again. He always thought and told himself he would be best off alone. That he, Louis William Tomlinson has no desire for a family, it would only make his work life harder, and it probably wouldn't work out so what's the point in trying? He had always thought that... so why is it changing now? Why is that idea of a perfect life for himself not lonely anymore? Why does he want to be with someone? Have a weird pet which he would probably overfeed and hear childish screams and laughs around him.

He wanted that. But why is he only realising this now.

Louis scrubs his face one more time, rubbing the cold water in before standing straight, reaching for the fluffy hand towel to his side and drying his face and hands. Looking himself in the mirror.

He looked different. Not in a bad way. But livelier. More like he wasn't just a floating shell of a man who only knew how to scowl and yell. He looked happy inside, more content and less intimidating. And he didn't mind it. He actually liked this side of him. And he had to thank Harry for that, bringing Louis back to life. Harry basically flipped a switch on Louis' lost soul, for him to feel worth a normal life, he doesn't have the be this big bad guy.

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