🌸Chapter 24🌸

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Two missed calls and one last minute train ticket later. Louis is sat on the tube, bouncing his leg anxiously staring at his phone.

How the fuck is he going to explain this to Niall. Ever since he left the airport he's been staring at the missed call notification with so many mixed emotions. Louis isn't one for spontaneity but this feels so right and also so fucking wrong at the same time. He likes to plan these things out not go out on a whim, and yet here he is, he blames Harry... in a good way of course.

He goes over what he's going to say to Niall in his head again before inhaling, closing his eyes for one second before eyeing the 'call back' button and pressing it down. He raised his phone to his hear and waited for Niall to pick up.

It took three long painful seconds before Niall answered.

''WHAT THE FUCK LOUIS. WHERE ARE YOU? EVERYONE IS ON THE JET AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHATS GOING ON EITHER? I THOUGHT YOU GOT LSOT OR HURT. WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?'' Niall seethed, yet his tone sounded more worried then angry which pulled at Louis' heart strings.

''I'm on the train Niall'' Louis said, almost like he's questioning what he is even doing.

''What! Louis why are you on the fucking train I can't belie- ''.

''Niall'' Louis cut him off, sounding a little amused ''I'm going back, he isn't worth losing Ni.'' Louis gulped, his breath getting shallower. ''I couldn't give up him or what we were Niall, the jet being late felt like a chance, and I don't want to go back to my old life and routine. Not when I have experienced what Harry has to offer...''. Louis answered, Niall now dead quiet. He listened carefully. Then there was a loud sniff down the phone.

''Fuck man you could have at least come and told me so I could say some sort of good luck and goodbye'' Louis sniffed a little too, in the moment he forgot either way Niall won't be staying with him, he's on a jet about to fly back home. For the first time in their ten years of friendship they were going to separated.

''I didn't think Ni I'm sorry, I just panicked'' Louis apologised, and Niall hummed.

''You should take Max Kingston's place'' Niall stated, a little happily. ''If you still want to be part of the company of course?'' Niall trailed off and Louis jumped in quick.

''I wouldn't leave the company for anything, its our baby. And what about Max?'' He asked.

''The head of the Japanese branch of the company, you could be it and still be the head of the company, be just as involved but instead of being based back in London, be the head of the new branch'' Niall explained, and Louis thought he could hear angels in the distance. Wow this man is a genius. How did Louis not even think about that?

''Would that piss off Max?'' Louis questioned. Only hearing a scoff from Niall.

''Shouldn't bother him, he is still part of the big ten.'' Niall sighed softly. ''This could work you know. I would have to find someone to replace you as head of the English branch. I'll start sending out application papers to the guys, I'm sure all of them will want it.'' Niall chuckled.

''No.'' Louis said sternly. Niall didn't respond ''I want you to be the business partner you are. We own this company together. Time you step out of my shadow and do what you were supposed to do a long time ago. The branch is rightfully yours and I won't take no for an answer The two owners living at the two branches might come in handy you know.'' Louis laughed and smiled down the phone as he heard Niall stutter and gasp.

''I run the English branch? All by myself?'' He double checked and Louis hummed in approval. ''We will have to have a proper meeting about this through. Will all the men there too, the finalise everything.'' Niall spoke, going back to work mode already.

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