🌸Chapter 18🌸

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Harry and Louis didn't spend too much time awake afterwards. They each had a shower and curled into bed. At first, neither of them knew how to lay. Not sure what the other was comfortable with. Harry had turned around, his back faced Louis and ushered a small 'goodnight' which obviously wasn't enough for the elder man as he snaked an arm round Harry and pulled him tightly to his chest, nuzzling his face in Harry's neck. His arm laid across Harry's stomach and his palm rested on his abs where his butterfly tattoo sat. Louis puckered his lips and pressed it against the bare shoulder of Harry before whispering a small 'goodnight' and not mentioning anything more than that.

Harry woke up, stretching his legs a little, keeping his eyes closed as the sun shone too bright. He felt like he had slept for a thousand years, the best sleep he had ever gotten and the comfiest.

He had only stayed at one or two different hotel rooms when he used to work here, Liam always said he could use the free rooms as he pleased when he worked the late shifts. He never liked to though because it meant more job for the cleaning staff, but on one or two drunken nights the offer had been taken up. He forgot how comfy the beds were.

He let out a groan and opened his eyes a little, still squinting so the sun doesn't burn holes in his head. He rolled slightly, only to find the spot next to him empty and cold. Harry frowned and sat up quickly, feeling more awake by the second. As he did, he caught sight of Louis, sitting in the corner of the hotel room with his laptop placed on the little desk, him sitting there, tongue out and eyes focused. An empty mug placed to the side of the laptop. He looked so concentrated in whatever he was doing he didn't even look up to see Harry, not noticing he had woken up.

Louis' hair wasn't messy either, but Harry noticed how all hairs sat in the same direction, usually that's from his hand running through it consistently. Louis looked stressed as he typed frantically. Harry let out a little croak, catching Louis' attention, his eyes steering away from the laptop.

''Morning'' Harry croaked and smiled softly to Louis his voice deep and laced with sleep. Louis turned his head to Harry and smiled softly.

''Hey, you, how did you sleep?'' Louis asked, closing his laptop, and stepping away from the desk, moving to the bed and sitting lightly on the side.

''Okay'' Harry grumbled wiping the sleep from his eye. ''What were you up to'' He asked, eying the laptop quickly.

''Oh'' Louis' eyes widened, standing up quick, rushing to pick up his laptop from the small wooden desk and carefully clambering into bed with it so he sat comfortably next to Harry. He opened the laptop, typing in his password quick.

''Nouis?'' Harry asked, smirking.

''It's the name Niall gave for the two of us, its our first names put together. Its both our computer passwords... don't judge'' He sniggered, and Harry let out a couple laughs. Louis elbowed him playfully.

Once in, a document showed up on Louis' screen, he turned it slightly for Harry to see. Harry only responded with a displeased face.

''Max Kingston?'' Harry asked, hurling a hurt expression to Louis. Whose smile had been wiped from his face, only just noticing how insensitive this was.

''I didn't think, sorry for showing you that'' Louis rushed trying to close his laptop, Harry putting his hand in the way.

''You're telling me, after last night, you wake up, and the first thing you decide to do is send this guy an email congratulating him on being the new manager of the Tokyo branch...'' Harry said in absolute disbelief.

''Harry it's not like I want to send these emails, but I have to, I'm the boss this comes with it, you know this hurts me as much as anything, planning someone to arrive here as I leave but it has to be done''. He tried but Harry just shook his head.

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