🌸Chapter 9🌸

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''The view is amazing, but what is your obsession at eating lunch on really high buildings?'' Louis asked and dug into his lunch. Both men had left the shrine earlier, wandered aimlessly till Louis heard Harry's stomach grumble and suggested lunch. The two of them ended up sitting on a posh looking table at the very top of the Tokyo sky tree. One of the highest buildings in Tokyo, overlooking everything else. And with the blue sky, filled with crystal clear clouds, and the warm sun, the view was captivating. Harry laughed at Louis' response and submerged his spoon back in his soup.

''Well, in all honesty it's an excuse for me to go to restaurant I wouldn't usually go to, every other day I can go to a corner café and get a sandwich, it's not every day you can get into almost everywhere by just mentioning your name'' Harry shrugged and spooned the soup into his mouth. Louis hung his mouth open at that reply.

''You're using me for VIP perks?'' He rolled his eyes and Harry nodded his head.

''Not even sorry about it''. He finished and smiled down at his lunch.

Louis watched Harry smile down. He looked content and happy, and even though he was using his name for exclusive perks, he didn't mind. He also didn't mind because the view was more than worth his money. He pities people with a fear of heights because this is... well this is something else. He doesn't know if it's because of his 'new' self. Being open and happy, not holding anything back, which allowed him to enjoy the view, or if it's purely because of how beautiful it is, he could stare at it all day, wanting to watch the sunset and nightfall to see all the skyscraper lights. It also saddens Louis that he may have missed years of amazing views and experiences being a grumpy bastard his whole life. He persuaded himself he couldn't change, and that was just his personality, stone cold and mean, he made himself believe that is who Louis Tomlinson is. But in reality, it's because he never tried to be anything different than that, well until last night, talking to Niall, when he finally let him into his mind and feelings, an amazing bonding moment for the two. He does have to keep catching himself though. A couple times Louis felt himself wanting to shut off or snap at Harry, and it takes a little mental power to hold it in and supress the feeling, but he thinks that's just down to the anger he was born with... he isn't perfect... not everything can be fixed overnight, although it does feel like it.

''Do you take everyone on the same tours?'' Louis asked randomly, wanting to know if Harry does this with every single client he is given. He shook his head which soothed Louis a little.

''No, I usually make it up as I go along, what looks good at the time, like the museum, I only took you there because Asahi mentioned a neon exhibit. Although usually near the end of their time in Shinjuku, when I know them a little more, I often plan things based on what they've liked... and if they were especially mean to me... what they disliked''. Harry chuckled at the end. ''Most of the people I take on tours are old and male, so they don't particularly like walking around with a brightly coloured dressed young man, a fair share of them homophobic''. He added and Louis' eyes widened.

''You've had people be homophobic to you?'' He asked in shock and Harry nodded his head and smiled small.

''I have had my fair share of weird things happen; you're going to have to do a lot more than smacking a dining table if you want to send me away''. He winked and Louis smiled.

''I'm not very good at controlling my temper, I'm sorry''.

''You don't have to apologise''.  Harry spooned another bit of soup and Louis took that as a warning to drop the conversation, so he did.

''Were any of your clients gay?'' He asked, bringing the conversation back to the original one.

''Yeah, you''. Harry looked up and smiled. Spoon in mouth. He looked like a puppy and Louis cackled at the hilarious sight, causing Harry to frown. ''What?''.

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