🌸Chapter 16🌸

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Therewas a light knock at the door in the early hours of the morning, causing Manamito scrunch her face and look towards her white painted door in confusion. The twins left for school earlier as it's a Monday and Harry left at god knows what time for his shoot. Maybe he had forgotten something?

She sighed and stood from the counter stool, leaving her half full cup of tea waiting and walked into the hallway, wanting to see who would knock at this time. The door had two slightly wiggly glass panels at the top, not clear enough to make an exact person but in the glass she could see an outline of a small-ish man, nobody she personally recognised. But than again she was looking through a dirty window which purpose was to not let people see clearly in the house.

She pulled the door open, only halfway so she could hide her body behind the door as she still wore her pyjamas, not wanting to scare off the postman or something with her outfit choices. She looked like she had been hibernating for a solid year. I guess that's what stress does to you. She stood sticking her head round the corner to see an also tired looking Louis, half smiling half awkward.

''Hi Louis?'' She spoke, almost as a question, looking around confused, she's sure Harry mentioned that he wouldn't be around this morning to him.

''Eh hi, sorry about coming so early, may I come in?'' He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. Manami just stood, staring at him for a second before nodding, pulling the door back and revealing herself in her comfy attire. Louis smiled, walking into the house, making sure to take his shoes off.

''Harry isn't here'' Manami said, walking back into the kitchen hoping Louis would follow her, really craving the rest of her tea.

''I know, he had a shoot this morning, but I actually wanted to see you...'' He trailed entering the kitchen and pointing to the kettle. ''May I?''. Manami smiled and nodded.

''Help yourself''.


''If you're here for what I think you're here for I don't want anything to do with it.'' Manami spoke, making Louis internally cringe. Guessing she didn't react well with his proposal. His back turned to Manami, facing the counter waiting for his tea to brew. He couldn't see her face, but by the tone of her voice he noticed her displeasing uncomforting presence.

''I don't mean to be disrespectful'' Louis added in response, letting Manami know he was here for that exact reason. She groaned and rolled her eyes at the back of Louis' head while he filled his teacup of hot water.

''I know'' she sighed, and Louis turned around, cup of tea in hand, walking around the counter to take a seat next to her.

''Did Harry mention anything to you about my past?'' He asked quietly looking down at his cup, then back at Manami. She shook her head and smiled.

''He wouldn't mention a word about it until he knows you would be okay with me knowing'' Louis blushed and nodded quickly. See it was small gestures like this, stuff that Louis didn't even know about was what wooed him with Harry. His constant care and his mindfulness if others. He walks around like a Disney Princess. Not sure which one but he definitely would be one if they were real life people.

''I don't want to go into details, trust me it would bore you... but this'' Louis moved his hands all around the atmosphere to make his point. ''The suits, the business, the money, the persona... was all so I could support to my family. I was too late'' He sighed and Manami's features softened. ''Look I wont force you into anything, say no to me right this second and I'll shut up, we can change the conversation and hang out, or you can kick me out I understand'' He gushed. ''But aside from my best friend Niall, Harry is all I have... outside business, he is the only one, another person who I could call part of my theoretical family...'' He twisted his face up a little. ''Don't tell him that, he'll think I've gone all soft'' He joked causing Manami to snigger.

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