🌸Chapter 5🌸

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When the men had returned to the hotel it was around mid-afternoon. The sun still high and warm in the sky. They enter the glass doors and Harry heads straight over to the reception desk. Walking around the wooden bar walking behind it over to the small water dispenser. Collecting a white paper cup and putting it under the faucet and switching the cold-water button on, letting iced water filled his cup. Louis just stood in the room awkwardly. Not sure what to do.

They had left the park in complete silence. The whole way home, which was just under two hours of travel, they had stayed quiet. Neither of them speaking up, they weren't even making eye contact. The whole way back Harry would be a couple places in front of Louis, directing the way and Louis would follow silently behind him copying his actions.

Even though Louis had recovered from the little mishap in the park earlier he was still quite irritable and snappy. He's worn out. He had only got around three hours of sleep and today was so much for him to process. He wanted to run into Niall's room and just collapse on the sofa with him and relax. He's been on edge all day and he really just need a familiar face.

Louis remembered Niall had gone out earlier that day with Ginger Ollie to explore a little and didn't know if he would be in his hotel room, or even remotely close to the hotel to hang out with him. While Harry seemed to be behind the desk still, trying everything in his power to not look at Louis, but busying himself doing something on the work computer, tapping away quickly at the futuristic keyboard. Louis pulled his phone from his grey trouser pocket and turned it on.

No new notifications.

Why wasn't he surprised. He unlocked it and opened his messenger's app and clicked on Niall's name.

(Tommo) – Are you in your room? I've had the worst day ever you won't believe what happened. Also, if you aren't here, come back! Emergency.

Louis stared at the delivered message praying to anyone or anything, that Niall would respond immediately so he had an actual excuse to leave Harry for the rest of the night. After about twenty seconds of no reply Louis decided to just turn his sound notifications on and tuck the phone away. Becoming impatient by Harry blatantly ignoring him. He huffs and strides over to the desk. Louis now standing opposite Harry who was still typing on the hotel computer, his back slightly arched as he wasn't sitting.

''What are you doing?'' Louis asked with no complete interest in the answer. It was more to break the silence. He couldn't care less.

''We have a table for dinner in the restaurant at six''. Harry mumbled and then cocked his head up at Louis. A strand of curl fell from his quiff and landed onto his forehead. A lopsided small smile grew over his features as well.

Louis' eyes widen and he stare back at Harry. Exhausted and unamused he shook his head quickly. His hair falling all over the place.

''No.'' Louis spoke, Harry's smile didn't fall in the slightest. ''No, I put up with you and your company this far, please just leave me alone I can't deal with you anymore and your stupid tries to get me to enjoy the 'culture' or whatever you call it. No Harry, stop inserting yourself into my life, just because you ran away from your problems and came here and fell in love with Shinjuku doesn't mean I would''. Louis snapped. Eyes furious. Harry's smile instantly fell. His grin no longer stuck on his face. His features soften into a glum sad expression. His limbs turned heavy, and Louis swore he had glossy eyes.

Louis snapped at him. Something he was trying so hard not to do. For Louis' sake, for Liam's sake, for Zayn's sake, for his company's sake but also for Harry's sake. He felt bad. Which was extremely unusual. When he snapped, he felt no remorse, he'd chuck a sum of money at them and carry on with his day. For some reason, he wasn't sure what, seeing Harry like this, with his cheeks a little red and his nose sniffing a little. Eyes still boring into his with shock and regret. Louis wanted to apologise. And mean it. He can't remember the last time he had ever wanted to apologise.

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