Roger taylor //Ritz date//

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Roger decided to take you out on a date to the Ritz, he sends you a red velvet dress and a black fur coat so you put them on your bed after you've done a ton of self care like face masks and a relaxing bath, you start doing your makeup and your hair and finally put the outfit that he sent you on with some black heels and you check out yourself in the mirror until you hear the doorbell ring and you go to open the door, you see Roger leaning against the door and almost instantly Roger wolf whistles at you and takes your hand and gives it a kiss keeping eye contact which makes you weak, he was wearing a black suit with thin red stripes and he's hair looked soft and well brushed, "m,lady you look incredibly elegant" he says with a funny accent but a husky voice and you just giggle a little, he offers you his arm and you take it walking side by side, and you can smell his intoxicating cologne and you can just melt but you try to keep it together, everything about him was perfect, and as he walks you a little you look up to see a limo and he opens the door for you, you get in and he follows you in, "thank you for everything seriously Rog" you say "we're just getting started love" he winks at you as you head to your date with the boy you've been in love with for so long.
The End

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