John deacon //long day//

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You plopped on the couch after a long day at work and waited for the boys to come home as well from the studio

After washing your face, taking a shower and changing your clothes you hear the door knock and you go to look who it is, you see 4 men waiting; 3 of them chatting and one looked exhausted

You opened the door and welcome them in with a friendly hug and finally give John a tight hug feeling the tension in his muscles, back away a little and give him a warm smile reassuring him that he can rest now and he gives you a weak smile back. You can hear Brian, Roger and Freddie fight over who's gonna enter the shower first but that's why you loved them, for their goofiness, meanwhile John goes to his room to change his clothes.

After they all took a shower and changed their clothes you made them dinner, afterwards they all said goodnight went to their rooms, but you stayed for a little while on the couch to watch "purple noon" on the tv.

Mid movie you hear one of the doors open and you thought it was someone going to the bathroom or Roger going for a midnight snack but you hear them coming closer to you, you look to your side and see John the boy you've fell in love with but you never confessed

"What are you watching" he says in a tired voice that makes you want to cuddle him, "an old movie called purple did you need something?" You asked since it's unusual of him to come up to you in the middle of the night, "I can't sleep and my mind won't stop make me feel some sort of comfort..that's why I came to you...I'm sorry if I'm bothering you" he says in a low voice "you'd never bother me I'm always here whenever you need me" you say quickly, making sure to let him know that you care about him, and he grins at what you said, "come on sit down with me" you say as you pat the empty space on the couch next to you and he gently sits down next to you.

You keep making remarks about the movie and joke around each now and then so you could lighten up his mood and then as the movie ends John looks at you with uncertainty as if he wants to say something but is unsure about it, "is everything okay John?" "Um it's kind of a weird request but I really need this right now" he says shyly "tell me, anything you want" you say gently to make him feel comfortable "um c-can I um lay my head on y-your lap and you can play with my hair" he asks nervously and says the last part quickly and you emit a soft chuckle at how cute he is "of course, be my guest, I'd do anything to make you feel better" you tell him and he smiles at you.

You lay your back against the couch and he puts his head on your lap slowly as he raises his legs on the couch and you both make sure that both of you are comfortable.

You reach for the remote and go for a channel that plays soft music and after you find it you put the remote down and move your focus to John and you hope that he can't hear your heartbeat right now cause it's going FAST, you gently and slowly tangle your fingers through his hair and start to play with it, and this is most definitely the definition of heaven for you, his hair was so soft and this was relaxing for both of you.

You both sat and listened to the soft music, enjoying each others company, a few minutes later you start hearing soft snores from him and it's so cute and honestly you didn't want to leave so you decided to sleep in your spot since you also didn't want to wake him up, you drifted to sleep with the sound of John's soft snores and the music playing and you've never felt more peaceful and you enjoyed it so much.

The End

And yes purple noon is my favourite movie if you have extra time you should definitely watch it, anyways have a great day darling😘

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