Brian may //morning//

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you got interrupted from your peaceful sleep by the sun rays coming from the window, you feel Brian's arms around you and you find it hard to resist the warmth of his body but you know you have to get up to be productive, but the moment you try to get up Brian holds you tightly so it's impossible to move and he snuggles closer to you "Brian I have to get up honey" you whine "not on my watch" he simply replies with his attractive morning voice, you try to wiggle out of his embrace but it's no use and each second goes by you're closer to giving in and falling asleep in his arms, "I'll tell you what, let me talk you through this until you finally give up which I know won't take long" he giggles and you turn around to face him and give him a light slap on his shoulder but then he pauses for a second to take in your features "you're so beautiful" he says softly, you quickly blush and deny that, "well at least I'm in love with sleepy you and if I wasn't would I do this" he swipes the few strands of hair out of your face and behind your ear with one hand and the other still wrapped around you, he then kisses you softly and you hide your face in his chest to hide your blush and he softly giggles "how about we plan out the day, I can make you breakfast today maybe some pancakes or waffles or a very English breakfast" he says with a funny accent and you can't help but laugh at his silliness "but for now all I want to do is cuddle, there is nothing important that I'm in a hurry to do so let's just relax, I want today to be all about you" he says while playing with your hair, "if so can I lie on your chest" you say quitley, "I knew you would give in" he says with a cheeky smile and lays on his back and you put your head on his chest and you listen to his steady heartbeat while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, you can't help but close your eyes and fall asleep in peace in your lover's embrace.
The End

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