Tigerlily Taylor //blind date//

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You were staying over at Tigerlily's house since you were visiting London but you didn't want to stay at a hotel and you thought it was a good opportunity to meet up with her. You always had feelings for Tiger but you pushed them away since you knew there is no chance that she might like you back.

Today you were going on a blind date and you were freaking out since you forgot your makeup back at your home town, so since you knew that Tiger is really good at makeup you decided to ask for her help.

You come out of your guest room after you were done choosing an outfit and after your freaking out session, you look for Tiger and you find her in her room texting her friends, she looks up and gives you a cute smile "hey what's up" she says in a soft tone "are you busy?" You ask her "I'm just texting some friends, why do you need something?" She asks in curiosity "I have a blind date" "oooh a blind date..interesting" she says wiggling her eyebrows teasingly "well are you going? You don't have to if you don't want to..instead we can spend some quality time together especially that papa and mum are out together, that means we have the house to ourselves to do whatever we want" she says trying to fluster you as she comes closer to you and wraps an arm around your waist and you just hit her hand away cause you don't want to give it to her that easy and In return she softly hits you and it keeps going back and forth until she holds both of your hand behind your back, she has a strong grip since she works out every day "do you want me to punish you" she whispers to you and you can feel all the blood rush to your face and your eyes grow wide, "hahaha you should've seen your face" she laughs while sitting back on the bed and you try to keep your cool "well back to the blind date, is it a boy or a girl?" She asks you while going back on her phone "a girl" you tell her still looking at the ground "ooh I didn't know you were into girls, I gotta a say I'm a bit pleased" she says while winking at you and she sees that you're blushing harder "well we're getting side tracked here, what do you need my help with?" She tries to change the subject after seeing how flushed you are "oh um can you do my makeup if that's okay with you" "of course just grab your makeup bag" "well the thing is I forgot my makeup bag at home soo.." "ugh alright just pass me my makeup bag"

"Just don't make me look like a bratz doll alright?" You tell her while giggling "don't worry your face is already perfect I'll just add something simple to enhance your beautiful features" she says while going through her makeup bag and you feel butterflies in your stomache because of her comment "plus I put my phone aside so I can glam you up to meet a person you never even seen before so you better feel special" she says while giggling "aand if the date doesn't go well you can come back to me and I will cheer you up any way you like" she adds

"well I might not have your shade of foundation but I don't think we need it since your skin looks pretty good so I'll just use minimum concealer, once again you're very beautiful so I can't see a way this might go south"

"Alright first primer but...I might need to get a little closer to you if that's okay" she starts scooting closer to you till her knees are touching yours, she starts adding some primer on to your face and spreading it out in circles, her fingers feel soft "you know your skin is really nice, it is, I know you think it's bad or whatever but I think it's gorgeous"she says and smiles softly at you, you take in her beautiful features when she's not making eye contact and look at her beautiful blue-ish green eyes. "Wow your lips are really chapped" she says with a fake gasp "hey!" You whine "don't worry I'm kidding but they still need a little lip balm" she says while grabbing the peach lip balm and applying it to your lips "you have really nice lips...I would love to just..." and before you know it she has her lips on yours, she starts kissing you sweetly and after you relax you kiss her back, she tasted like your favourite fruit, her lips were soft and warm. "Why do you look surprised?" She says after pulling back gently "I-I just didnt think that you liked me in that Way" "of course I do, we both know I think that you're attractive, and if I had to take a guess I'd say you think I'm attractive too?" and you nod, looking down to hide your blush, "hey look at me" and you do and the moment you look at her she connects her lips to yours again "I see the way you look at me you know, when you think I'm not looking, I notice and I like it" she says and gives you another kiss never getting enough of the feeling and you can't complain honestly "how about you give me a chance, fuck the date, stay with me please" she says attempting to give you puppy dog eyes and you can't refuse her request since you weren't interested in the date in the first place, she claps her hands in excitement when you tell her that you'll stay "we're gonna have so much fun" she says while pecking your lips one last time.
The end

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