John deacon //sneaky//

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Warning: intense making out

You were studying really hard for your final exam and after you finally finished you decided to revise on the things you studied.

John, your boyfriend knocked on your door and you let him in and he admired you while you studied but then you caught him staring and you both giggled at his cute behaviour, he moves towards you and gives you a kiss on the cheek and sits down behind you on the bed and he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and squeezed you a little and his embrace was warm and you felt safe and he rested his head on your shoulder.

You really enjoyed all the love and affection he was showing you until he tucked your hair behind your ear so he can see your face better and you blush faintly and he starts giving multiple kisses on your face and you giggle and find it hard to focus, "baby I can't focus I'll finish the revision and I'll be all your's" you tell him and he agrees but still holds you and you try to get your revision over with.

A few minutes pass and he starts burying his face in your neck and you feel instant butterflies and he started kissing from the corner of your mouth to your jawline, your earlobe and down your neck, " babe I need to focus please you're making this hard for me" you tell him in a groan "I know and I gave you enough time to finish revising but you didn't finish quickly so this is your punishment" he says in a cheeky voice "what! that's so unfair I didn't know I had a timer sir" you said while smiling at him enjoying this side of him "well I want you to keep revising but I'm not stopping what I'm doing so you can finish faster" he says in a low voice and you agree with a groan.

He keeps kissing your neck and around your ear and whispering things like "may I?" In your ear before he kisses a new area, he moves from your neck to your collar bones and you both tremble a little, hungry for each other's touch and he goes back up to your ear "may I mark you baby" and you nod softly "then I need you to focus on the book" he says teasingly "I can't and I don't want to, I'm basically already done anyways" you tell him in a weak voice "oh so NOW you're done? Well I'm gonna need you to be a good girl and sit on my lap and give me all your attention" he says in a husky tone and you oblige.

You throw your book aside and straddle him and you look at each other's eyes for a little before sharing a warm and passionate kiss and you feel so excited, you feel electricity through your body, the kiss starts to become a makeout session, his head moves to kiss your jawline while tracing his fingers along your thighs, your hands are in his hair and his hands are moving up and down your body studying every curve you have, he starts kissing and sucking at your collarbones marking you as his, you grip his hair loving every moment and every touch, he goes back to passionately kissing your lips, his lips are so soft and he's trying to show you how much he loves you, "I love you so- hmph much" he says between your heated kisses and you rest your forehead on his "I love you more" you tell him out of breath before sharing one last kiss, "as much as I love you and I want to spend more intimate time with you but I still want to take things slow and I don't want you to get a bad grade because of me so I'm gonna let you get back to that" he says giggling while he plops you down gently on the bed so he can leave with a tiny kiss on your cheek. You can't help but think how lucky you were to find him.

The End.

I'm sorry this one is a kinda short but I just started my mid year vacation and I'm not feeling that creative but nonetheless I still hope you liked it😘

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