Brian may //the show//

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Brian (your boyfriend) took you to see their show for the first time, you and the boys are waiting backstage and you give Brian a kiss good luck before you sit with the audience because you wanted to get the full experience, soon enough you see them entering the stage and everybody starts cheering loudly, of course they were incredible, Freddie's movments and voice, Roger's amazing speed on the drums, John with his spectacular bass lines and of course the love of your life's everything; his movements, his facial expression when he's focused, he's soft voice and of course he's breath taking skills on the guitar, you can't help but be mesmerized by him and his beauty. The show was the best thing you've ever seen, it was perfect, the boys said their goodbye, "thank you, goodnight" Freddie says before heading backstage along with the boys, except Brian he smiles at you and waits for you to follow him backstage, once you get backstage and noises of the fans screaming is muffled you wrap your arms around Brian's neck, and you don't know how he still has the energy but he holds you up so your legs are wrapped around he's waist, he gives you a passionate but sweet kiss and whispers in your ear " I hope you enjoyed the show my love " another passionate kiss was your response and you tell him to put you down so he can rest, and just like that you sit down with the band and their groupies and just chat for awhile and have the time of your life, you look over at Brian while he was laughing at something Freddie said and you realize how lucky you are to have him in your life.
The End

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