//work// Brian may

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You were finally done with college and since you wanted to be financially stable you decided to look for a job and you finally found the perfect job, definitely not the highest position but we all start from the bottom after all, it was you first day at your job and after you were done with this exhausting day you got in your car to finally go home to your boyfriend Brian.

You try to get your keys out but once Brian heard your keys jingle he ran to the door and have you the biggest squeeze while closing the door with his leg, "Brian I can't breathe honey" "oh sorry I'm just so proud of you" he says while gently placing you on the couch "so tell me how did it go? Made any new friends? Did you have a breakdown or anything like that? Did you eat well there?" He says bombarding you with questions, you laughed at him being a curious cat "well overall it was very exhausting I don't think i even have the energy to talk-" he interrupts you with a finger infront of your lips "the you don't have to waste your energy you can always tell me tomorrow morning but if you're exhausted let me pamper you a little cause you deserve it, because I know first day of work is a headache" and before you can thank him he rushes to the kitchen and zooms between the bathroom and the kitchen not quite knowing what is he gonna do.

After a little he sets a tray infront of you with one hand and the other hand he has your favourite pyjamas and a hair tie "omg thank you so much you didn't have to-" "no no no we said no talking all I want you to do is rest and relax, you had a long day" and you just smile at him lovingly wondering how were yo so lucky to have him. He sets you pyjama next to you and heads to the vinyl player and puts a slow song on, he comes back to you with a heart melting smile on his face "let's go get you changed so you can start eating shall we" he says while extending his hand to you.

He helps you change and helps you take your make-up off, after you're clear you return to the tray of food that was on the table and you start eating not realising how hungry you were, Brian kept playing with your hair and massaging your scalp while you eat.

Once you were done he removed the tray and put the dishes in the sink, he returns to you with a hair tie and a brush in his hand "may I do your hair ma'am" he says in a funny accent and you giggle and nod, you starts vert gently brushing your hair and it felt so soothing, you were having the time of your life listening to the soft music in the back and having your hair brushed by your beloved, you used to teach him how to do a braid so he decided to put your hair in a braid and it looked great "voilà, all done, not to flatter myself but I did pretty good" he says with pride "I'm sure you did" you giggle "alright what do you want to do now? Would you like to head to bed?" He questions you "how about we just cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie" you suggest and he agrees, you cuddle up to him with his long arms around you giving you a small squeeze and a kiss on your forehead every now and then and you felt so lucky to have someone like him care for you. After your movie you both fall asleep on the couch cuddled up to each other.

The End

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