Roger Taylor //playground//

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(In case you can't find him in the photo, he's the cute boy next to the woman on the right. HE'S SO ADORABLE💕💕💕)

You (a 7 year old) went to a small park that had a playground in it with your parents they drop you off at the playground and sit in an open area cafe that is close to it so they can keep an eye on you while you play.

Of course you keep crying because you didn't want your parents to leave you alone but then you realized how close that cafe was and you calmed down a bit.

You went to your favourite place which was the swings but as you were about to go to it a group of boys came tackling the swings but one of them took a glimpse of you and saw that you looked sadly at the swings and realized that you wanted to swing.

He had golden-blonde hair and beautiful big blue eyes, "hey guys I think she wants to swing on the swing" the blonde boy says "I don't care, I came here first" one of his friends said "you're so rude" he said while walking off leaving them behind and approaching you and he heared them mocking him which upset him a little.

The blonde boy approached you on the bench that you were sitting on, "I saw that you wanted to swing and I tried to tell them to let you, but they were rude, I'm sorry" the blonde boy says looking down and standing in front of you, the sun rays are covering his face and tiny body making him look angelic, "that's okay I'll wait for them I guess" you say not looking at him because you weren't used to talking to boys, "um..can I sit next to you?" He asks "you should go back and play with them" you tell him "I don't want to since they were mean and i would rather make new nice friends" you then pat the spot next to you for him to sit down.

"My name is Roger by the way" he says while extending his hand for you to shake it "y/n.." You say in a low voice and shaking his hand hesitantly "nice name y/n" he says giving you a grin and you can't help but smile.

After asking each other questions like: what's your favourite color, animal and hobbys, "since they don't look like they're moving any time soon let's have fun" he says standing up and giving you his hand and you take it, he walks you to the slides and he climbs up to the tiny wooden house and sees that you're struggling and helps you.

"You want to see something cool?" He exclaims and you nod he starts heading to the slide and lays on his stomache and slides backwards and you gasp and watch as he slides and you giggle "that's not the best part yet" he says and you wait and he starts to walk up the slide and he slips a little and slides back down and you burst out laughing at his clumsiness  but he walks up the slide again and when he sits down with you, you clap for him, "would you like to try it" he asks with a cheeky smile "me?! No no no" you refuse Instantly "aw come on please I'll help you" and you think for a second and then huff a fine.

You slide normally and he jokingly boo's you and you give him a death stare and then laugh, you walk a few steps up the slide and he extends his arms and holds both of your hands securely so you won't slip like him, you reach the top and raise your arms up in victory and he starts cheering for you.

You sit in the wooden house playing "rock, paper, scissors", talking, truth or dare and doing riddles. "Wait stay here and close your eyes and DON'T PEEK PLEASE" he says all of a sudden "okay?" "PROMISE" "I PROMISE" you say giggling, you hear him going up the slide without tripping thankfully and then he sits in front of you "open your eyes" you open them and you see Roger holding a flower that looked like the ones in the playground garden but it didn't matter beacuse it was so sweet of him, you gasped and thanked him while blushing "can I put it in your hair?" He asks and you happily nod.

Finally, you notice that his "friends" left and you point happily at the swings and you both quickly slide down the slide and rush to the swings and sit on it happily "victory!" You yell in unison and laugh.

After you swing for a bit Roger asks you if you want him to push you and you agree, he starts gently pushing you and then a little bit harder seeing how excited you got, the air going through your hair and you laugh from happiness, until you hear your parents Call your name beacause they have to leave and Roger slows your swing down, you were upset beacause you wanted to keep playing with Roger but they insisted that they had to go, so you looked at Roger sadly and he was sad too, still standing next to the swing with you, "thank you so much Roger, I hope to see you again" you told him, "me too y/n, promise to not forget me" "I won't I promise" then you did something you never thought you would never do, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and you both blushed and he gave you a smile, your parents took 2 Polaroid pictures of the both of you, a silly one you gave to Roger and you took the one where you're both smiling, you waved at him goodbye while walking with your parents.

(14 years later)

You were at a cafe sitting and doing some unvirsety assignments after ordering your coffee, and you see people coming and going, you see one more person coming in but you didn't look up at them, they sit down on the table in front of you, the guy's name was called out followed by your name to recive your drinks "Roger and y/n come to the counter please" and you smile to yourself when you remember the young blonde boy that you loved and never forgotten, you both got your drinks and sat down not looking at each other, not long after, you took a glimpse of the guy that was sitting infront of you and looked into his blue eyes, you were freaking out a little, the same golden-blonde hair, the same big blue eyes the same smile, and you can see that he was taken by suprise too, "I'm sorry to interrupt you but are you possibly the girl that I met at the playground when I was young? You look EXACTLY like her, if not I'm so-" "oh my God Roger it IS you!!" You said while throwing your arms around him and hugged him tightly "I've missed you" he whispers to you while hugging you instantly back "I've missed you too" you whisper back "we have A LOT to catch up on" you say as you both sit down on the same table and catch up on everything and you told him that you still have the flower that he gave you and you kept remembering that day you spent together that meant a lot to both of you.

Fast forward: 6 years later Roger went from your best friend to your boyfriend to your beloved husband and you have two kids and a happy family.

The end

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