John deacon ⭐attention⭐

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You live with the boys and Brian, Roger and Freddie went shopping together but John stayed and you stayed to study.

You were pacing around the room, trying to memorize the things in the book, you cared a lot about your grades so you were anxious, you felt dizzy from the pacing and leaned against a wall.

John came into your room, you loved him for so long but you tried to focus on the book.

"Y/n please gimme attention, I'm bored" he whines in a baby voice and you chuckle at his actions, "I can't John you know I have to focus if I don't want to fail, so who do you think is more important you or studying" you say trying to convince him and yourself since let's be honest you can throw that book out of the window just to give John all your attention, "meee" he says still whining "deaky no I can't ser-" he cut you off by snatching the book out of your hand, "no no no not now" you say trying to catch the book but he is tall enough that you struggle to catch it.

You bounce up and down and stand on your tippy toes trying to grab it, you feel John's gaze on you and that's when you realize how close you were to him, your lips an inch away.

You see desire in his eyes and you instantly feel weak, you hesitate on backing away but before you can react or say anything he closes the gap between you and him, connecting your lips in a sweet and passionate kiss, your are still holding his wrists from your failed attempt in catching the book.

He throws the book behind him and it lands wherever you don't know and you don't care, all you can think of is the feeling of his lips against yours, you've been dreaming of this moment for so long, he was kissing you passionately like he was waiting for this moment too and he wasn't going to waste it.

He switches his hand position to hold your wrists and he pins you against the wall, a few moans slip from your mouth, he slides his tongue over your bottom lip asking for entrance and you give him permission parting your lips a little and he kisses you with hunger, moans and groans leaving both of your mouths as you're lost in this amazing feeling.

He presses his body against yours and you can feel his bulge and your face heats up.

He starts grinding against you which makes you more and more wet by the second and you need him now more than ever, rubs his bulge against your wetness harder needing friction "John please stop teasing, I need you" you manage to whisper against his lips.

"Jump" he whispers in your ear and almost instantly you stradle him and he catches you by your thighs, kissing your neck and taking your shirt off exposing your lace bra and at this point his eyes are so dilated and hungry and fixed on you and only you, "can I mark you baby" he says under his breath mesmerized by you "yes" you whine begging for his touch "don't be so needy we're just getting started" he giggles against your neck.

He starts kissing your neck and collarbone leaving love bites behind, he finds your sweet spot which makes you emit a louder moan, he starts sucking and kissing on it and you feel your adrenaline pumping in anticipation, you're soaking wet.

"John please do something I can't take it" he starts heading towards the bed and drops you on the bed and he climbs on top of you watching you with hunger, he lifts his shirt off, you stare at his beautiful body, he has his arms on both of your sides and you can't help but run your hands over his arms then to his shoulders then to his abdomen and then play with his hair, he kisses you one more time before taking both of your pants off.

He stares at your laced bra and underwear and notices how you are soaked and gives you a smirk and you just blush, "are you ready?" He asks you making sure he takes consent before he does anything, and you frantically nod, he starts taking off your underwear with his teeth agonizingly slow while making eye contact and you feel weak in your knees.

"Part your legs for me baby" he says After he takes your underwear completely off, and he rests your legs on his shoulders, kissing your inner thighs and working his way down to your pussy.

He starts pressing his toungue against your clit and the moans starts flowing out of your mouth like a River and you bite down on your bottom lip hard to muffle your noises, his moans sends vibrations which makes you go crazy and his tongue goes in and out and In circles making you see stars, he keeps going harder and faster and you keep moaning louder and louder, grip hard on the bed sheets.

He stops seeing that you're getting closer and you whine, he gets up to look for something in the pockets of his pants, and gets a condom out and puts it on, he climbs back on top of you.

Presses his fingers against your lips "suck" he whispers to you and you suck on his fingers making sure to lubricate them, "you're such a good girl, you're doing great" he praises you as he trails his fingers down to your V, "tell me if it hurts okay?" He says as he gives you a kiss and you slightly nod.

He Inserts one finger in and you wince in pain but he gives you time to adjust, it doesn't take long until you love the feeling and he adds more fingers stretching you, "I'm ready" you whisper to him in between moans.

"You're doing so well baby" he says as he positions his member in between you while putting your legs back on his shoulders, "ready?" He asks and and you whisper a yes, "just focus on the feeling of my lips for now" he says as he kisses you sweetly.

He goes inch by inch deeper and slowly inside of you and it hurts a little in the beginning but then a wave of pleasure hits you when he finds your spot, he starts kissing down your neck while thrusting into you, you're both a moaning mess and your lost in the feeling of ecstasy, and each thrust he hits your spot which makes you go wild and arch your back.

"Oohh...y-yess... John..aahh" you keep moaning loving every second of this, you're hands are tangled in his hair, and his are on your waist holding you in place as he thrusts faster and faster in you by the second, "ooh fuck I-I'm ohh gonna..aah come" you breath out in between moans "me too baby aah let's do it together can you do that" and you shout a yes and he goes deeper, harder and faster and you were trembling and shaking, he started counting down to one and on one both of you came hard, shaking and moaning each others names loudly.

He throws the condom in the basket and lays in bed with you, you cuddle into him and lay on his bare chest while tracing shapes on his soft skin and he plays with your hair, listening to his heartbeat going back to normal, feeling safe with him.

"I love you y/n, I've loved you for so long" "me too John, I love you so much" you exchange one more sweet kiss until you fall asleep in each other's arms.

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