Brian may //stargazing//

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You were queen's roommate for 7 months now and you got really close to them but there was one of them that always caught your eyes and made you fall for him, it was Brian may; he was so beautiful, talented and super smart and you felt like he was too good for you so you always try to push your feelings away but whenever you see him or his smile you can't help but fall harder.

Whenever you feel anxious you like to stargaze that is something you grew up doing, and apparently someone took notice of that, yes Brian did.

One day you were in your room studying for your exams at 2 am, when you hear a light knock on the door "come in" you said expecting Roger asking you another stupid late night question but that's when the door opens to reveal the Angel you're in love with, "hey I made you some coffee, thought you might need it since you're studying so hard" he says softly and you can't help but grin at his sweetness "thank you so much Bri, that's so nice of you!" You say satisfied with the attention and care you get from him "that's the least I can do to motivate you" he says while touching the back of his neck "can I sit with you for a little if that won't annoy you" he says so politely and you're just memorized by him, how can someone be so gentle!? "Of course! don't be silly you can never bother me" he smiles at your response.

"So I've noticed something you always do" he says and you look at him questionably "which is?" You say confused "stargazing" he says happily "oh yeah it's something I always did- please tell me you're not one of those people who think stargazing is boring or pointless-" you say not knowing that he is studying astrophysics "Of course not- ooh have I not mentioned that I study astrophysics" he exclaims "Really! You didn't, I think you're too humble to brag about that but that's amazing!" He giggles and then gasps slightly when he remembers why he's up this late "I need to show you something right now, I think you need a break from all this studying and this will be perfect to take your mind off of things a little" he says while holding your hand, Your heart is doing backflips from the physical contact with him and of course you can't refuse his offer so he takes your arm and runs to his room.

This is the first time you enter his room and you take a good look at it admiring all the certificates hanging on the walls, "alright so right before dawn The Lyrid meteor shower will be happening tonight!" He says excitedly but from the confused look on your face he explains a little "simply there will be a shower of shooting stars!" He says still excited, after you understand what he means you get really excited since you've seen only a few shooting stars but never really saw a lot, "you can look around my room if you want, get comfortable" he says sitting on the bed and going through his "astro magazine" and you just look around until you spot a telescope and you gasp which makes him look at you instantly and notices you're looking at the telescope and giggles.

You look at some stars through the telescope astonished "ugh I wish you were here when Jupiter and Saturn were so clear to see, none of the boys were as excited as me" he says throwing his hands in the air in frustration and you giggle a little, he admires you while you're looking at the stars and you notice and he looks away instantly "uhm do you mind if I play some music?" he asks "not at all it's your room after all do what you like" you tell him "and you're my guest after all I gotta make you feel content" he smiles while looking through his vinyl collection and playing a Beatles record he bought a few weeks ago.

"So since there's about an hour left would you like to sit in the balcony maybe have something to drink?" He says trying to find ways to entertain you "oh no that's fine I don't want to be a burden" "no way you're not a burden come on what would you like? uhm I have tea, chamomile and hot chocolate?" He asks "fine I'll have hot chocolate" so he goes to prepare that and you wait for him in the balcony and you noticed that it was A little chilly so you look around for something to make you warmer and you find his scarf and put it on and stare at the dark night sky which makes the stars visible and the moon looks beautiful, you sit there taking in the silence and peace while hearing the music play faintly in the back and you haven't been that happy and at peace ever since uni started, you hear Brian coming in holding two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows floating in them, "I see you're wearing my scarf" he says while setting the mugs on the tiny table he has "sorry I just felt a little cold" "oh no no no it's fine I just think you look cute" says and slightly blushes and you smile and try to hide your blush by looking down.

You chat for a while, the moonlight reflecting on his face making him look stunning, you finish your hot chocolates, he gets up to put the mugs in the sink and when he comes back he puts one more record on the record player called "my Autumns come done" and goes back to stand with you in the balcony, you talk a little more and he started telling you the names of some stars and you look at him astonished "I'm sorry that's a little nerdy" he says embarrassed "that's not nerdy that's cool plus there is this phrase that I heared, it's "smart is sexy" so don't be embarrassed" you say both of you start giggling, you look up and your eye catches a shooting star passing by and you frantically tap on Brian's shoulder to tell him that it started and both of you stare at the shooting stars that pass by every once in a while.

"You know Brian anybody would be lucky to have someone like you in their life, you're smart, talented, precious and...very handsome.." You say not making eye contact with him and hear nothing but silence and the song playing in the background and you have a feeling you messed up so you look at him to apologize "I'm sorr-" but before you can say anything Brian connects his lips to yours in a sweet and needy kiss and you just forget about everything and melt into him, he had such soft lips and he tasted like chocolate, he puts his hands on both sides of your face, "I'm in love with you y/n more than you'll ever know" he looks deep into your eyes showing you that he means every word, and just like that he pulls you in again by your waist in a slow kiss this time and you wrap your arms around his neck, that's it everything you ever wished for came true, apparently wishing on stars works.
The End

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