Freddie mercury //Kensington market//

731 9 2

Note: yes this was inspired a little by the borhap movie

Y/t/n: your telephone number
Y/a: your address

You and your friend heared about the new shop that opened in Kensington and decided to check it out since you were suckers for shopping.

After you arrive at the shop you step out of the car and push the door open and hear a ring from the store's bell, there were two men in the market, you were first met a pair of blue eyes and gave him a friendly smile but then your eyes drift to the other guy who had eyes that were like pools of chocolate, he was perfect, he had beautiful shoulder length wavy black hair, a perfect bone structure, cute dimples, luscious lips and a perfect body.

The shop was kinda small but it was full of fashionable pieces but back to the beauty that you saw, you gave him a sweet smile and he approached you with confidence and streched his hand towards you too shake it, you took it hesitantly, taken away by his beauty "I'm Freddie and this is my friend Roger, welcome in darling!" He says as he points at Roger but before you know it he was flirting with your friend.

"Personally I think that You look like a model so I think that anything that you will wear will look great on you" he says while going through the clothing rack looking for something that fits your style, you blush "is that how you sell things here? Flirt with customers?" You say giggling and he directs his attention towards you "he does, I only do with very very special customers and that makes you the first and only one dear" he says once again pointing at Roger who got your friend giggling and blushing and you would be lying if you said that Freddie didn't put you in that state too.

"Try these on it will look great on you and it will compliment your body's shape" he says handing you the elegant and extravagant clothes he picked out for you and pointing at the changing room and you head there.

After you were done you hear a voice behind the curtain "are you done?" And it was freddie's voice "yeah?" And almost instantly he enters the changing room holding a few accessories, he put a scarf around your neck and a bracelet and a little eyeliner "are you even allowed to do that?" You ask chuckling "what? Barging into people's changing rooms to make them look even prettier than they already are? No not really" he says still styling you and you giggle and take in his features as he applies the make up on you "I like your accent, you're not from here are you" you say trying to fill in the silence "clever one I see, well I'm actually from Zanzibar but I grew up in London, hence my second name being Bulsara but I'm thinking about changing it for many reasons" he says putting the make up away and cheking you out and he gets lost in your eyes for a moment but snaps back to reality "um..well we should head out now to see what your friend thinks before Roger takes her home if he hasn't already" he says softly giggling.

Before heading out you had a notebook and a pen in your coat that you were originally wearing and decided to write something in it before heading out. You come out of the changing room and decide to buy the clothes that Freddie gave you, "you really don't have to pay you can have them as a gift for being a great sport" he says as he stands behind the cashier "no no no I insist, that's very sweet of you though but I'm in love with the shop and I would love to support it" you say getting the money out of the purse and shoving the note that you wrote between the money and hand it to Freddie and you leave before he can open the paper, and drag your friend away from Roger who was practically making out with her "we'll come here again don't worry don't worry" you say trying to assure your friend as you leave the store and you hear Roger and Freddie faintly giggling at that.

While Freddie was putting the money back he saw the note and was confused a bit then he opened it and smiled to himself like a school boy who's in love.

" A cup of tea? X y/n
♡ "

The end.

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